
7716 Teacher training from God's....

October 1, 1960: Book 81

Everything you desire to know and which is helpful for your soul will be conveyed to you by My spirit. For those I teach Myself shall be active as teachers again, they shall pass on the knowledge I give them to their fellow human beings. And I Myself will ensure that it is given to those who hunger for it, for I truly know whose souls need food and drink, and thus I administer the bread of heaven, the water of life, to them through you.... People shall be guided into truth, knowledge shall be made accessible to them which makes the meaning and purpose of earthly life understandable to them. People shall be taught the truth, and therefore I Myself must take care of them, since I am the truth from eternity.... Knowledge must come forth from Me if it is to lead people back to Me.... It is true that knowledge is also imparted to people in schools, and this need not be wrong either if the teachers are enlightened by My spirit and take their task of guiding people to the light seriously. But spiritual knowledge which is transmitted in a scholastic way can also be very permeated by error which the recipient, however, is unable to distinguish or separate from the truth. And then people's thoughts become confused, and the result is that people argue with each other and in the end are inclined to reject everything and can no longer establish correct contact with Me, their God and creator of eternity.... And then the necessity arises that I Myself have to look for people again whom I train as teachers.... it results that the pure truth is directly conveyed by Me to earth and that I now give My disciples the task to be active as teachers towards their fellow human beings, so that the pure truth is spread again, so that the knowledge of the meaning and purpose of their earthly life is conveyed to people again.... so that I Myself will be presented to them as a God of love, wisdom and omnipotence, Whom they shall acknowledge and love if they want to become blissfully happy. Misguided teachings are unable to awaken love in people, but the truth can cause the spark of love to flare up, and when this has happened the connection with Me has also been established and the meaning and purpose of earthly life as a human being has been fulfilled.... And therefore I will again and again train teachers for Myself who are tasked with proclaiming My pure gospel and who shall seize all opportunities to speak in My name and especially when erroneous spiritual knowledge is advocated. And such a teacher need not fear that he is incapable of doing so, for My strength works through him and I will put the words into his mouth so that he cannot help but speak what is My will, for then My spirit will speak through him, then he will merely be the mouthpiece I use to convey the truth to people. And you can consider yourselves fortunate when your souls are fed with the right nourishment, when the living water is offered to you at the source.... You will only ever need to draw from it and your soul will be able to refresh and strengthen itself for its pilgrimage on this earth. But where I Myself have opened up such a spring for you, do not pass by.... I keep telling you this because you have to take the path of truth in order to reach the aim, and because the truth can only be offered to you by Myself.... And I will truly choose the right vessels for Myself into which the living water can flow.... and I will make the fruit of life accessible to all of you who earnestly desire to become blessed...._>Amen

Translated by Doris Boekers