
7244 Supply of grace on earth....

January 3, 1959: Book 76

And My ray of grace will always touch you humans, I will know how to reach each one of you because I love each one of you with the fire of love which only a God Who is love in Himself is capable of. I will not leave any of you out, and since you would all be helpless and abandoned without My grace, My grace will be poured out on you again and again. But it is up to yourselves whether you want to remain in the ray of My love or move away from it.... it is up to you yourselves whether My grace can take effect on you, for I do not force you to accept and evaluate it. But you will experience the greatest blessing if you accept it and make use of it, a blessing which can turn your whole earthly life into a great success.... I will not pass by any of My living creations when My gift of grace has to be brought to you, yet if you turn away yourselves, if you don't accept My gifts of grace, you will not be able to partake of the blessing either, and you will have to go empty-handed but then you will not be able to progress either. But I cannot force you to accept My gifts offered to you because then they would immediately lose their effectiveness. You had forfeited everything through your apostasy to the abyss and therefore you have nothing to ask for, instead, you are merely dependent on Me giving you help out of My love.... But I have to demand the acceptance of this help precisely because you once rejected Me and My love, otherwise I would compulsorily chain you to Me again, but this is not intended in My plan of love and salvation. Love has to be free if it is to make you happy, forced love is not love but only involuntary obedience which can neither make My living creations nor Myself happy, whereas a voluntary acceptance of My gifts of grace can lead to a love which is so deep and intimate that it is able to bestow happiness to the highest degree. And I want to receive such love from you, just as I Myself would like to make you happy to the highest degree. The abundance of blessings you are allowed to receive shall kindle love in you, for they help you to recognize Me and likewise show love towards Me, providing you feel touched by the love in which these blessings are conveyed to you and reciprocate them.... And since you only walk the path across earth for the purpose of giving Me the love again which you once rejected, I will also try everything to win this love of yours, because you are My children who are constantly loved by Me, who once came forth from My love. And thus again and again you are touched by My ray of love and grace, I always have gifts ready for you, I always try to facilitate your bond with Me by enticing you and at the same time helping you to ascend to Me from the abyss which, however, you are unable to do of your own strength. For this reason I provide you with strength in the form of a special gift of grace: My word, which imparts an abundance of strength to you so that every ascent becomes easy for you, so that you can overcome all obstacles if only you are willing to reach Me, to take the path to Me.... if only I am and remain the aim which you strive to achieve in earthly life. Then you will also be able to do it, it will not be too difficult for you, you will receive and also benefit from abundant blessings because you have the will to do so. Then the ray of love which hits you will also ignite, you will burn with love for Me yourselves, and the gifts of grace will have been a blessing for you because you willingly and gratefully accepted them wherever they were offered to you....


Translated by Doris Boekers