
7182 Walk through life with or without God....

August 4, 1958: Book 76

You have to take the paths which are marked out for you and they can also lead you to perfection, but only if you walk them with God. And thus your earthly fate can be difficult and your life arduous, yet in communion with Him everything will be a blessing for you, whereas a life without God can be as it wants.... it remains completely inconclusive as far as your perfection is concerned. For your test of earthly life consists of the right decision of will, and a right decision of will is the turning of your will towards God. And from this it follows that every experience was useless if it did not direct the human being's will towards God.... just as, conversely, everything that promotes a conscious bond with God is beneficial for the soul. And it is mostly suffering and hardship or other severe strokes of fate which brought about this. And therefore you humans should humbly accept them from God's hand, you should endure suffering and hardship in submission to God's will, and you should always be aware of the fact that they are only God's means of help which He uses to turn your will towards Himself. But if you walk the earthly path with God even the most severe suffering will be bearable for you because He will help you carry it. However, people who still have no bond with Him have to cope with everything that concerns them on their own. And if they are now afflicted by severe strokes of fate then they are often close to despair, and then they could certainly take the path to God, Whom they certainly know about but don't want to believe in Him.... But their inner resistance is often still so great that they don't want to bow down to a power which is stronger than they are. And then they can indeed also be helped but as an expression of strength by the one to whom they belong through their resistance, who is willing to give everything to the human being who turns away from God and whom he therefore still fully owns.... but whose help consists of earthly support, of material improvement, through which they can compensate for many things which fatefully burden them. Yet their path through life is in vain, for the human being did not pass the test for which he was given earthly life as a human being.... He did not find the bond with God and thus did not achieve spiritual success for his soul at the end of life....


Translated by Doris Boekers