
7015 Plan of deification of all created things....

January 12, 1958: Book 75

Mine is all.... Mine is the whole created world, Mine is the universe, Mine is the whole created host of spirits, Mine are all beings in the kingdom of light and in the deep.... all inhabitants of the innumerable celestial bodies.... Everything that exists is Mine, regardless of whether it is perfect or imperfect, for everything emerged from Me, everything has My strength of love as its fundamental element and is therefore indissolubly united with Me. Everything is My possession.... The fact that a being in the midst of My possession also arrogates rights of ownership to itself is certainly justified to a certain extent, but that being has lost the realization that all creations only emerged from one source of strength and that therefore the right of ownership only exists in its imagination, which immediately becomes null and void when the disputed object itself has attained the realization from whose might and strength it emerged. But as long as the latter also lacks knowledge, it strengthens that very being in its imagination to possess something, which, however, is basically mine. And this lack of realization is a sign of imperfection, it is a sign of infinitely long distance from Me, but the degree of which every being created by Me was allowed to determine itself and which then also completely confused the beings' thinking, thus they lost all realization. But until I Myself am acknowledged as 'lord', until the beings themselves recognize their God and creator, their father, in Me, they will still be in a state of imperfection, and they will still recognize that being as lord which has been trying to dispute My might and strength since eternity because it is completely blind towards Me.... But only one thought was enough for Me to let everything pass away again which My will and My strength once called into being, and then this adversary would also be destroyed by Me and all creations would have ceased to exist. But such is not in My will, for it gives Me great pleasure when even that which still keeps itself infinitely distant from Me approaches Me again step by step, when its blindness first gives way to a slight twilight which then begins to shine ever brighter and in this bright light My being reveals Itself to those beings when they recognize Me and then also learn to love Me and then longingly stretch out their arms towards Me and call for their father....... when the realization returns to them that there is only one power, Who is the origin of all that exists.... This return to Me causes Me inconceivable bliss, for although My possession cannot be taken away from Me, only the realization of belonging to Me makes both the being as well as Me happy to an extent which you humans lack any concept of. Moreover, I also know that nothing will be lost to Me forever, that My possessions will never diminish and that even he, whom My infinite love first brought into being, will one day fully belong to Me again after infinitely long periods of inner turning away from Me. For he will not keep what he believes to possess but it will voluntarily turn to Me, and he will have to recognize ever more that his power only exists in imagination, although he can use it with those who are in bondage to him. But they will not remain so forever.... And he will not be able to prevent this, and thus he will also have to realize his powerlessness one day.... But the fact that I leave him in his blindness for endless times, that I do not necessarily impart the realization to the beings in bondage to him that they see their lord in Me, is by no means to be regarded as a sign of diminished power on My part, but it only corresponds to the plan to shape 'children' out of 'creatures'.... in order to even surpass the act of creation through the deification of the created.... because My perfect beings are intended to work without limitation and My strength of love does not allow for any limitation either.... And for this purpose every being serves Me again, and also the fallen contributes to the highest happiness, and it also achieves this highest happiness one day itself.... because My love, wisdom and power never ever ceases to prepare such for all created beings....


Translated by Doris Boekers