6628 World wisdom and dazzling light.... request for truth....

August 26, 1956: Book 71

Worldly wisdom will pass away like everything else that belongs to this world. But My word will always and forever remain, and the light which radiates from Me and shines out into the darkness will remain. But you humans have to go through the darkness, and thus you also have to learn to distinguish between dazzling light and the right light which brings you true enlightenment.... And dazzling light is all knowledge which was gained intellectually; dazzling lights are all wisdoms which do not originate from Me. And you must learn to distinguish these from the rays of light which illuminate everything and show you the path which leads to Me. This right light can certainly also be offered to you in a form which appears to have been gained humanly, i.e. intellectually, but then the intellect was also enlightened because it was in intimate contact with Me. And then this person is also a bearer of light, a representative of pure truth.... But then all seemingly intellectual knowledge will also be in harmony with the spiritual knowledge which I Myself convey to humanity in direct form. But as long as this agreement does not exist, that knowledge must be called 'worldly wisdom', which will pass away like everything that belongs to the world. But the world will not allow itself to be convinced, the world holds its children captive and they cannot detach themselves from the world if they don't sincerely appeal for My help to do so. The human being who thinks of reaching the aim without Me is in fact taking a path which leads far away from the right aim.... For in all childlikeness the human being must confess his father of eternity and approach Him for the right guidance.... then he will also be guided correctly.... If only you humans would believe that you can achieve nothing without Me.... and if you would not want to resist when I take hold of your hand to guide you. My love will always supply you with what serves your perfection; but if you don't accept it then delicious streams of grace will have flowed to you in vain, and your earthly progress can also be in vain because your soul did not receive the right nourishment, because you filled yourselves with unsuitable food which neither gave the soul strength nor maturity. But you yourselves must bear the responsibility for your soul's fate, or else you must take upon yourselves the fate you have acquired for yourselves.... But earthly life is given to you to prepare a glorious fate for yourselves, i.e. for your soul, after the death of the body.... Truth alone is the right nourishment for the soul. But only I Myself can distribute it, and if you want to have it conveyed to you by people because this path seems more natural to you, then you must nevertheless first make heartfelt contact with Me and ask Me to convey to you the person who imparts to you that which corresponds to the pure truth.... For I do not have just one way and not just one means to convey the pure truth to you, but it must have its origin in Me if it is to bring about your perfection.... Therefore you only ever have to ask Me for the truth in your desire for it.... This is the only certainty that you will then also come into possession of the truth. For I truly do not leave this request of an earthly child unheeded, for I long for this request in order to be able to reveal Myself in whatever way.... No person who has addressed this request to Me in spirit and in truth will be left in error by Me; the pure truth will be conveyed to him, and he will also feel it as truth and be blissfully happy.... As long as a human being only regards himself as a created being, as long as he has not yet established the relationship as a child with the father, the light of truth will not shine for him either, for this light allows the human being to recognize the connection with his creator and father of eternity.... Only this light shows the human being the short path which a right child only needs to cover in order to reach the father.... But anyone who regards God as unreachable also finds it difficult to establish contact with Me.... And he walks endless long ways and the aim moves further and further away from him. For a child achieves everything from the father.... but the creature remains in the separation from Me which it once accomplished itself....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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