6298 Earthly world is a passageway to the true home....
June 29, 1955: Book 68
The inclination towards the world is still the sign of the bond with God's adversary, although you humans do not like to hear such a judgement about yourselves, yet you would unhesitatingly despise the world, if you had already completely detached yourselves from it. You could find no pleasure in material things, in joys and pleasures which lie outside of the spiritual kingdom, for your soul would.... long to return to the spiritual kingdom where it had been in the beginning, if it had detached itself from its enemy, it would know and feel that the material kingdom is only a passageway which imposes fetters on it, but it would never ever desire it. As a result of your ignorance, you humans believe that life on this earth is the epitome of what you call happiness, if you can shape this earthly life as you please.... because you don't know true happiness, which is entirely different from the unfree, burdensome life in the flesh on this earth.... You do not know freedom in abundance of strength, you do not know the radiant light in which you are allowed to move once you have detached yourselves from the desire for the world.... because you still belong to the one who is lord of this world. Yet all desire will cease, when you seriously turn away from the one to whom you owe your existence as a human being.... And your desire now applies to another goal, the soul desires other pleasures than the world is able to offer it.... the soul recognises its weakness and inadequacy, and now desires strength and light, it longs for the state of perfection again, it strives with all its senses towards the spiritual kingdom of which the human being's intellect cannot conceive. But the soul, which has detached itself from God's adversary, knows that its true home is desirable. And that is why it is also unable to gain anything from the goods of the world, which it has learnt to recognise as empty appearances and which it therefore despises. As long as you humans desire the world, you are also still under his control, you still belong to him because you have not yet been able to muster the strength to detach yourselves from him, to renounce what he offers you in order to exchange goods, which can make you happy in truth. Yet you cannot possess both at the same time.... You have to give up the one in order to gain the other, you have to.... venture the step into the spiritual kingdom even if you still live on earth, for this is your decision of will, to want to exchange the material kingdom for the spiritual one of your own accord.... And once you have succeeded in doing so, you will have passed the test of will, you will have freed yourselves from the power of the one who holds you captive. And you will be helped in every way that you dare to take this step, you will be enticed and offered help, yet you will not be forced.... But the transience of earthly-material possessions is so often made clear to you that it should truly not be difficult for you to strive for that which is imperishable. And time and again God lets His call resound: Free yourselves from the fetters which prevent you from returning to the Father's house.... give up the world, so that you can take possession of the spiritual kingdom again, which offers you peace and bliss, which the world can never offer you....
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