
6294 Effective means of grace....

June 25, 1955: Book 68

My gifts of grace are at your disposal without limitation because My love for you is unlimited and does everything to help you attain beatitude. And thus the transmission of My word is also an unusual gift of grace which can help you to completely release yourselves from the form, to completely spiritualize yourselves during your earthly life.... For My word is of unusual strength because it is a direct emanation of Myself. The souls in the beyond obviously feel this effect of strength because, if they are of good will, they abruptly come to realization and become light where previously it was dark.... The effect of strength cannot be so obviously demonstrated to people on earth, for it would force them to accept that which has to be received by them into their heart in fullest freedom of will in order to be success-bringing for the souls. But then the great effect will also be unmistakable, and the human being will completely change himself and his nature, he will shape himself into love and thus become free from all bondage, so that at the end of his earthly life he will now be able to enter the spiritual kingdom as completely spiritualized, as completely redeemed. Whether on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond.... I always have to address My living creations if I want to be recognized by them as father, to Whom they shall strive as children in ardent love.... An aim must be held out to them, a perfect being, Which they want to reach because they feel that this being loves them.... And this is only possible because I speak to My living creations so that they can also believe in this being Which reveals Itself to them.... I must make Myself known to all My living creations as a being full of love, wisdom and power.... And therefore they must be able to hear Me.... but in order to hear Me they must also open themselves, that is, they must open themselves to My address from above. But then the strength will also flow to them from above, and then they must absolutely also be able to do everything I demand of them and proclaim to them through My word.... You humans are powerless creatures because you have become imperfect due to your former apostasy from Me.... Your strength would never suffice to reach the former perfection again.... Therefore I must first supply you with strength, which now happens through the supply of My word, which I have blessed with My strength.... And ever new strength now flows to you the more often you let Me speak to you, the more open your heart is to receive My word, the more you want Me to speak to you and in your desire for My word now also make use of the unusual gift of grace.... by obeying what I tell you to do and thus step by step ascend with the success of complete detachment from the world, which kept you bound for eternities.... If I demand that you deify yourselves during your earthly life, then I must also give you, as weak beings, the means to be able to fulfil My desire.... And these means are gifts of grace, a gift from Me which gives you strength to ascend upwards.... And the most effective means of grace is My word, which again and again comes to you from above, but which you also possess in the scriptures which testify of Me.... if only you willingly open your heart so that I can speak to you.... Then you will also do everything with strength to fulfil My will, you will transform yourselves into love and be able to enter the kingdom of light as free beings....


Translated by Doris Boekers