
4810 Purpose - God's evidences of His love, omnipotence and wisdom....

January 1, 1950: Book 55

Divine omnipotence intervenes where divine love wants to express itself and reveal itself to the human being in his adversity. For with God no thing is impossible and His will becomes action through His love. But the human being's intellect cannot grasp what divine love is able to do, for it is strength which manifests His will, and thus the human being can truly ask for everything, God can make it possible even though it appears humanly impossible. And therefore no adversity is so great that it cannot be remedied by God, and no work is too difficult that it cannot be carried out by God.... Nothing is impossible that a person asks of Him if only he believes in God's love and omnipotence. God does not deny Himself and does not close His heart to the child which sees its father in Him and comes to Him in its adversity. Faith in God's love and omnipotence is a sure means to remedy any adversity. God's omnipotence knows no limits, and God's love is without end and of a depth which is incomprehensible to you humans but which you can feel if you faithfully entrust yourselves to Him. Creation and your own life prove to you that His love applies to you, for it is a gift of grace from His love that you may take the path through creation....

(2.1.1950) Because His love willed it, His will became powerful, the strength of love unfolded and let everything come into being.... an exceedingly exemplary creation and yourselves as the crown of the.... His love created man.... He established a relationship with what He had created, like a right father with his child. He provides for and cares for the whole of creation, and He bestows His special love on the human being, whom He wants to educate into a right child of God. And His love, His wisdom and His omnipotence will always work together to make that which has come forth from Him happy. Whatever He wants will happen, but it will always be good for the being which He wants to reshape into His child. But it will also always learn to recognize its creator and father of eternity through God's wise activity, through the visible evidence of His love and His omnipotence. It will love Him again and long for Him, and this is what God aims for through all evidence of His love, wisdom and omnipotence.... He wants to win His children for eternity, He wants to make everything that has emerged from His strength blissfully happy, He wants them to enjoy His vision as blissful spirits, He wants them to be eternally blissful....


Translated by Doris Boekers