
4477 Worldly minded servants of God....

November 5, 1948: Book 52

There are many worldly-minded servants of God on earth, and they are truly not the right representatives of My teaching because they do not know the truth, but this is necessary for an office which aims to spread My teaching. For the truth must be offered to people in all purity if success is to be achieved for the souls. "You all have to be taught by God....", it is written, and this word is truth, for only God as the eternal truth can impart knowledge to you which corresponds to truth. Thus you can certainly accept spiritual knowledge from outside, yet My spirit must first work in you before you recognize the external information as truth and become inwardly convinced that the word is from Me. Therefore spiritual activity is absolutely necessary; but My spirit places conditions on you which you first have to fulfil before it can become effective. One of them is complete devotion to God.... intimate connection with Me, but this cannot take place if you are still too attached to the world. For the eye can never be directed outwards and inwards; moreover, the world is My adversary's kingdom, but My kingdom is the spiritual world from where pure truth is offered to you. Hence the world must be avoided, the heart must willingly detach itself from it because it longs for the spiritual kingdom, and thus spiritual striving is the first prerequisite for a servant of God to stand in truth. Only then will he be able to recognize the written word as truth, only then will his thinking be enlightened so that he can work as My representative on earth and be active on My behalf, for My honour and for the blessing of his fellow human beings....


Translated by Doris Boekers