
4389 Power of prayer....

July 29, 1948: Book 51

The power of prayer is not used enough because you humans do not have the right faith and therefore you cannot test it enough. You could request everything and also achieve everything if you believed, if you presented your requests to Me without doubting and confidently awaited their fulfilment. Prayer is the bridge to Me which I Myself have built for you and which you may enter at any time in order to reach Me. A right prayer, a prayer in spirit and in truth, will always be heard and not remain unsuccessful, and the strength of your faith also guarantees you certain fulfilment, consequently the fulfilment of your requests does not depend on My will but only on your strength of faith, and consequently you yourselves determine to what extent your prayer will be heard. Again and again I tell you that you should turn to Me in all matters, and thus you could truly have a far easier earthly existence if you would make better use of the strength of prayer. But if you say the prayers as you are often taught, you will constantly be able to ask and wait in vain for the fulfilment of your requests. Then your prayer will not reach My ear, for it is not a true prayer, it lacks the strength of faith. Then I cannot work with My might, for I Myself have taught you the right faith, I have made it a condition if your prayers are to be answered. I cannot release you from this condition, I must demand faith in Me and My working, otherwise I Myself would be unfaithful to My law of eternity, otherwise I could not mention the power of faith either. You could achieve everything and only need to put it to the test, yet you must first acquire profound faith, you must be so convinced from within that you will never make a wrong request, that I can and will help you. And I will grant you every earthly request if you pray in the right way.... in the belief that I will grant you what is not detrimental to the soul and that you are fully convinced that I will only give you what is helpful to you because I love you.... Thus you must also be able to do without if My love denies you something.... this attitude must also be represented in a right prayer, then your prayer will be right and you can always count on your requests being granted, because I Myself have given you the promise: Ask, and it shall be given you, knock, and it shall be opened to you.


Translated by Doris Boekers