
4375 Office of the right servants of God....

July 14, 1948: Book 51

I have assigned an office to each one of you who want to serve Me, which you shall carry out conscientiously so that I can bless you as My servants and receive you into My kingdom as faithful servants when your hour has come for Me to separate the soul from the body. For your stay on this earth is no longer of long duration, even if you experience the last end. The world is now already ripe for destruction, yet a few souls are still to be saved, for which I need you. And this alone is your task, that you spread the truth which you receive directly from Me. This is why again and again I lead people to you to whom you should proclaim My gospel, to whom you should draw attention to My working on you and to whom you can give clarification to questions they ask concerning their afterlife and the purpose of their earthly life. There are many questioning people for whom a correct answer is a great help in their spiritual development, and for their sake I still hesitate with the last work of destruction and give them time and opportunity to find Me. But you, My servants on earth, must take care of these people, for I can only speak to them through human mouths and give them the right answer. Take this task seriously and be faithful co-workers with Me in the short time you still have on earth. For soon the time will be over, soon you will have overcome what oppresses you, soon you will be allowed to receive the reward I have promised you as My co-workers.... soon suffering and hardship will have come to an end. Believe this and create and work and make use of every opportunity to inform your fellow human beings that they should also prepare themselves for a speedy end. Inform them, even if you don't find faith, and consider that every unused opportunity can mean the loss of a soul, that you can bring light into the spiritual darkness so that the soul finds the path which leads to Me. And thus be diligent in your activity, put your spiritual work before every earthly work. And the latter will also be blessed to you so that you can easily master it with My support, for I need you for spiritual cooperation and bless you if you serve Me conscientiously and joyfully....


Translated by Doris Boekers