
4002 Exhortation to spiritual work....

March 19, 1947: Book 49

You must be fully committed if you want to serve Me on earth. And this means that you should devote yourselves completely to your task, that you should use every opportunity and work for Me because it is necessary. Only spiritual work retains its value, only spiritual striving has eternal success, whereas all earthly activity is void with the moment of departure from earth. Earthly duties shall indeed be fulfilled but spiritual activity shall be placed before everything and accomplished first, otherwise earthly work will not be blessed either. And therefore My servants on earth will always receive help from above if they need it for the purpose of fulfilling spiritual and earthly tasks, and My servants can walk their earthly path carefree because I smooth out every uneven path where they are to walk; and if I give you this promise you can truly believe that your path will always be passable because I Myself walk with you wherever you direct your steps. But you must always lift your eyes to Me, you must not turn away from the world and withdraw from My guiding fatherly hand, for then you will easily get onto side paths which lead back to the world, and then you will hardly be able to accomplish the work for My kingdom. But you are necessary in the coming time, your task is of great urgency, it is important and cannot be postponed, and therefore I admonish you again and again to be eagerly active, and I will never stop admonishing you so that you will hear My voice again and again and comply with what I tell you to do. Your life will pass quickly, therefore don't pay much attention to it, but the soul shall be cared for for eternity, and therefore you must think of it far more and therefore be spiritually exceedingly active, even if the body is thereby disadvantaged. If you seek Me at all times you will always win, if you seek the world you will lose. But the world offers you no compensation for what you lose, yet what I offer you is precious and cannot be replaced by anything. And hold on to it and don't let it be taken away from you by not resisting the temptations.... Remain spiritually active and the tempter will not approach you, for the former ensures your connection with Me, which protects you from every danger of the soul, which makes you strong and able to do any work and thus to be successful labourers in My vineyard....


Translated by Doris Boekers