
3940 Power of the divine word.... living water....

December 22, 1946: Book 49

Whatever strength you open yourselves to will fill you.... If you give yourselves to the strength of My word, if you accept My word with an open heart, the strength of Me must also fill you and make you strong and resistant to all onslaughts of the world. And you will be able to master your earthly life, but you will also be able to successfully cover the earthly course spiritually, for the strength from Me is stronger than all resistance, be it spiritual or earthly. The strength from Me removes all obstacles, it will always have an uplifting effect, and whatever the human being wants to accomplish.... he will be capable of every achievement, for he is in union with Me, and where I can work everything is possible.... My strength, however, is always and constantly supplied to you with My word, and therefore you should desire it with a hungry heart, you should open yourselves up to Me Myself, want to listen to Me and arrange your life accordingly, you should always give Me the opportunity to fill you with My strength through the word, for you always and constantly require strength from Me, be it for spiritual or earthly activity. Without the supply of strength you will never be able to accomplish your task on earth. For it requires My cooperation, because you are weak, powerless creatures, even if you seem to have great vitality at your disposal. Without My help you have fallen prey to the forces which want to take advantage of your weakness by also supplying you with strength which, however, is detrimental to your soul. And this strength conspicuously expresses itself in earthly help but spiritual downfall. For the source of strength is My adversary who seeks to increase his own strength by continually taking possession of that which was created by Me and thus testifies to My strength. He tries to push it away from Me in order to prevent My supply of strength and to make it inclined to his will. But anyone who claims that strength by surrendering his own will to My adversary is lost for eternal times. For you must open yourselves to the constructive strength but never to the destructive strength. And this emanates from Me alone and is offered to you in abundance in the form of My word. And therefore always draw strength from My word as often as you need it, and you will truly not be in a state of weakness, you will be willing and able to live, for only one thing is necessary for all people, that they take care of the soul's nourishment, that they supply it with the strength to live, that they accept My word, that they desire it and through their desire the source is constantly opened to them from which the living water flows towards them.... the living water, My word, which contains strength in all abundance. For I have blessed My word with My strength.... I Myself am in the word with those who receive it, and where I am every weakness and lack of strength must also be remedied, and the human being must emerge victorious from every battle of life, spiritually and earthly he will be able to solve his earthly task because I Myself stand by his side and support him with My strength....


Translated by Doris Boekers