
3781 God as a constant guide and companion....

May 26, 1946: Book 48

Choose Me as your constant companion and guide and you will be lead correctly. You will reach the goal I have set for you so that you will be blessed. I truly know of no other goal than to know you blessed, and thus you cannot take any other path with Me than the path to eternal bliss. Yet your will has to submit to Me, you have to allow yourselves to be drawn by Me and not, through your own wrong will, push yourselves away from Me onto a path which may seem more even but leads you astray. If you choose Me as your guide and companion then you can leave yourselves completely carefree to Me, you only have to express your will to entrust yourselves to My guidance through heartfelt prayer. For I will not seize you against your will.... And therefore your way of life also has to correspond to My will, because it also gives Me evidence of your correctly directed will, which may not just remain a will but should be put into practice. I do not demand a great sacrifice from you if I demand the fulfilment of My will, for the latter only signifies an insertion into My eternal order. And the law of My eternal order is truly not too difficult to keep, for it corresponds to the original state of the beings who originated from Me. It only becomes difficult for you when you are still too far away from this original state due to your own will. But then you will have to endeavour to reach it again and ask Me for help.... Then you will indeed have to fight a battle with yourselves, yet you always have to take My will, My commandment of love, as a guiding principle, you have to seriously want it, and you will also be able to do so because I bless every serious will and provide the person with the strength to carry it out. And submission to My will is the surest guarantee that I shall also assume leadership, that I shall guide you on all paths and lead you towards the right goal. And then do not resist Me, do not look after the temptations of the world, that is, do not desire to walk on the byways which seem more comfortable and attractive to you, but only ever follow Me with your face turned away from the world, for the goal will be incomparably more marvellous for you, and the world can never offer you what I offer once you have reached the end of the path under My guidance. Do not shy away from bumps, from seemingly insurmountable obstacles.... Under My guidance every path is passable, under My guidance there is no obstacle that is insurmountable. Yet do not believe that you can travel the path alone without My help.... For your strength is too weak and your will likewise, and only I can increase your strength, take you by the hand and lead you safely.... And therefore entrust yourselves to Me, give up your own will and walk the path without any concern of going astray. For I want to lead you into My Father's house, I want to fetch My children back and prepare dwellings for them in the spiritual kingdom.... Yet only one path leads to it, and you all have to walk this path if you want to reach your goal.... But I always and constantly want to be your guide because I want to make you happy, because I love you since the beginning and will love you for all eternity....


Translated by Sven Immecke