3680 Free will cause of need and depression....

February 8, 1946: Book 46

I strengthen the human being's will at all times but I do not force it.... And if you see the great hardship on earth, if you take notice of people's spiritual low, then you know that only people's free will has caused this and that My will is uninvolved in everything that is bad. Yet I leave people the freedom of their will and thinking and also rarely hinder their actions which arise from their will and thinking. For without freedom of will, which can indeed result in sinking into the deepest depths, ascent is also impossible, without freedom of will the human being cannot attain perfection.... without freedom of will therefore cannot unite with Me and become blissfully happy. The human being creates his own state, both on earth and in the spiritual kingdom.... For as his will is, so is his fate. If I take away his freedom of will, thought and action, then the human being will be in the stage of an animal which is under My law, which therefore has to do as I determine, as it corresponds to the laws of nature decreed by Me. And then he would eternally be unable to become what his ultimate aim is, a freely creating, perfect spiritual being which works in wisdom and love and is blissfully happy in full possession of the strength from Me.... Thus, if I offer him supreme beatitude on the one hand but he strives towards the depths of darkness of his own free will, he will not be prevented from doing so, and people must recognize for themselves where free will, if it is wrongly directed, can lead to in order to correct it of their own accord in the knowledge of a wrong earthly existence with regard to eternity. My creations once emerged freely from Me, products of My strength of love and in possession of free will as a sign of their perfection. But free will also had to be able to develop in every direction, the spiritual being had to have the opportunity to let it become active for every purpose, good as well as evil.... and thus constantly turn this will towards Me if it wanted to be perfect and therefore blissfully happy.... The fact that it now turned away from Me of its own free will because it allowed itself to be influenced by a strong spirit which had misused its free will and was now opposed to Me was sin, i.e. it was contrary to its state of perfection and contrary to My will, which from eternity only strives for good and only allows good things to come to fruition. The being had therefore stepped out of the divine order in free will. And to stand outside of the divine order also means to stand outside of light and strength.... The being became lightless, i.e., it fell into a state of complete ignorance, into a state of erroneous thinking and complete darkening of the spirit.... And it also became powerless, i.e. it could no longer create and shape according to My eternal order but only draw strength from My adversary, which it used for the opposite, for working in the will which was opposed to Me, for disrupting the thinking and influencing the will of other beings in order to alienate them from Me too. And this resulted in the binding of the being's will in order to pave the way for its return to Me, in order to make this return possible for the being. But the return can only take place again in the stage of free will, and therefore I cannot curtail the human being's free will, no matter how much he sins against My will, no matter how much he rages against himself, against his spiritual life.... I leave him freedom of will, no matter how it works out, only I sometimes end his earthly life out of mercy in order to once again make it possible for him to recognize his weakness in the beyond through the state of weakness, so that he may still change his will in the beyond.... And thus the spiritual adversity as well as the great earthly adversity can only be explained by the human being's free will, who can turn both away from himself if he gives this will the right direction, if he turns his will towards Me, completely submits to My will and slowly enters his original state again.... to be a free, powerful being which is permeated by light, which can create and shape according to its will, but which is always also Mine as soon as the being is perfect....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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