
3650 Distributing spiritual goods....

January 7, 1946: Book 46

I Myself distribute spiritual riches to anyone who desires them.... No request for it will go unheard, no request will remain unfulfilled which applies to the soul's well-being, which concerns spiritual possessions which I exceedingly gladly impart to My children on earth. Yet I also demand something in return, I distribute the knowledge which corresponds to truth under conditions which have to be fulfilled first, so that the recipient will prove himself worthy of My gift of grace.... I require loving hearts which accept My gift.... And if the human being seriously strives to gain advantages for his soul, if the well-being of his soul is his first concern, he will also fulfil this condition of Mine, he will be lovingly active out of innermost impulse, for the desire for spiritual good only occurs when the human being has disregarded earthly goods, when he has overcome selfish love and unselfish neighbourly love has taken its place. For this reason every person who seriously strives for spiritual goods will also make an effort to live in love, and therefore no request will remain unfulfilled, for I Myself help the supplicant so that the spark of love in him becomes a flame, I Myself impel him into loving activity without, however, forcing his will. I place the thoughts in his heart which he can accept but also reject and thus spur him on to lively activity in love. For if the human being wants to shape himself according to My pleasure, if he wants to gain spiritual advantages for himself, the strength to carry out his will will always be given to him by Me, and My supply of strength also signifies increased activity of love, because it is the emanation of love from Me Myself. This is why no person will remain on a low spiritual level who demands ascent.... For he complies with My will, he fulfils his purpose of earthly life, he uses his will in the right direction and his thinking is guided by Me from the start as soon as he seeks to ascend the spiritual height.... But this always presupposes the connection with Me, the prayer which is sent up with full faith to the one Who distributes spiritual possessions.... Thus I must always be acknowledged as the giver of light, as the giver of truth, as the source of strength and as the embodiment of love.... Therefore, anyone who believes will inevitably ascend, and anyone who is weak in faith and sends the request for truth into infinity will also find grace by his weak faith being strengthened, by his prayer becoming ever more personal, by him finally conversing with a being Who reveals Himself to him ever more and more and does not deny him the spiritual goods.... Which also introduces him to truth because it is his will to attain truth.... because he unconsciously strives to become perfect, because he wants to remedy his deficient state of ignorance and every desire for spiritual maturity finds My pleasure.... For this is the aim and purpose of earthly life, that you mature spiritually, and therefore no request you send upwards for the sake of your soul will be in vain....


Translated by Doris Boekers