3533 Presence of God....

September 1, 1945: Book 45

God is omnipresent and thus close to every person who longs for His presence. It is an uplifting thought to know oneself closely connected with the heavenly father in prayer, to know Him present, that the human being can speak to His father like a child and does not need to look for Him in the far distance. To feel God present also proves a strong faith, for the unbelieving human being is unable to imagine God in close proximity and even less to feel His presence. The believing person, however, is delighted by His presence. He knows that he can constantly connect with God and that this connection is only possible when God's love leans towards people, thus He Himself proves His love to him through His presence. Every intimate thought of God is a call which does not go unheard but draws the father close to His child because He loves His child and also wants to be united with it. And God will be everywhere where this call sounds on the part of His children, for there are no obstacles for Him to dwell wherever He wants. He is a spirit which is not bound to time and space, His love radiates continuously into infinity, His spirit is everywhere and people can feel His presence everywhere if only they desire Him. Anyone who calls this profound faith his own, that he knows he is safe in the vicinity of the heavenly father every day and every hour, no longer fears, for he always feels accompanied by God, and this faith in God's presence instils the deepest calm and security in him in the face of every danger which threatens him. He knows that nothing can happen to him as long as he is assured of His presence through intimate thoughts of God; he also knows that His love does not diminish, that He faithfully leads His child by the hand, and every worry and anxiety vanishes before this faith in God's presence, for where He is there is no room for evil and no danger threatens the earthly child. It is an extremely happy feeling to be convinced of God's presence, because then the faith is also of such strength that it can no longer be shaken.... And the human being will live in deepest peace, for he will never be alone again, he will know that one is always with him and that this one is his father from eternity Who longs for His children and therefore will never abandon them....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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