0999 Desire for the divine word is an outflow of God's love....

July 8, 1939: Book 19

Surrounded by divine love, you will remain in the spirit of the lord, for it can never be separated from Him who has taken such intimate contact with Him. And the more intimately you implore Him and His grace, the more powerfully His love works in you and draws you close to Him, as it were. And His word is the outflow of His love, which has taken hold of you and no longer wants to leave you. And this love is strength and shares itself with you.... The more you desire this strength, the more noticeably it flows into you, for its fullness expresses itself in a constantly increasing longing for the divine word.... in a fervent desire for divine grace and deep strength of faith. The earthly child will desire the word of God from the bottom of its heart, for it cannot do otherwise because divine love permeates it.... it will remember the lord at all times and in all places and long to enjoy His presence through the word.... It will listen to this word with the greatest devotion and never tire of receiving it; and this longing desire is, after all, the love of the lord, Who directs all of man's feelings to Himself and makes him immensely happy in giving. This is incomprehensible to the world, for it does not even remotely grasp the possibility of a connection between God and man on earth, which has such an obvious effect and yet again only makes itself felt spiritually, because all feelings in this respect can also only be felt spiritually. And the world grasps the creator's infinitely deep love for His living creations even less.... What devotes itself to Him is inseparably connected to Him through love, and whoever desires Him receives incomparably precious things and does not have to fear a decrease of divine grace and a diminishing of His gifts from above. Desiring and listening within produces incredibly wise results, and in the divine word the lord reveals Himself to those who desire Him.... Is there anything more beautiful and valuable on this earth than to dwell in spirit where the father is?.... And to feel the love of the father over and over again and to receive His grace?.... He who is honoured on earth with the divine word is to be called immeasurably rich, and all power flows to him. And thus the lord must educate His little children on earth to love if He wants to work through them and make their hearts receptive to His word.... He must incessantly influence them mentally, yet if the will professes Him undividedly and the earthly child has felt the divine grace in itself it will remain faithful to Him for all eternity, for the lord protects those who devotedly entrust themselves to Him, He continues to give them divine truth and the human heart is inflamed with ever more ardent love for Him and is no longer able to live without the lord's visible love. Life would be of no value to him if he had to give up this most precious union with the lord. The more he longs for the lord, the more inseparably he unites himself with the heavenly father and remains His for all eternity....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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