0996 Sense of the Latin words.... mental weakness....

July 6, 1939: Book 19

Nomine l'est arkanum brento

Behold, My child, you hear My word and the wise do not grasp it. It is My will that you nevertheless have faith in divine guidance, which does not allow anything to happen to you without intention. The meaning is still closed to men, these words still awaken doubts in you, but with firm faith enlightenment will also come to you. A writing will come to light which bears the same wording and a supernatural activity will be recognized in it, and then it is extremely important to have these words in your writings, therefore take them down in your writings without hesitation and trust.... for only faith will give you the strength you need....

In moments of spiritual weakness the eternal divinity often imparts a food to you which seems indigestible to you, however stimulates the spiritual activity so that this weakness is overcome, and now a digestion process starts in spiritual respect, which influences man immensely furthering, and whether you also resist and would like to withdraw from this influence, the spiritual holds you captive as with chains, and you do not give up for the sake of slight doubts what up to now was the highest for you. The living water must also flow inexhaustibly from an inexhaustible source, and whether you receive even unmeasured, no limit will be set for you, and the more you receive the more astonishing results you will achieve. And the battle for truth will be incomprehensible to you, for you stand in the midst of truth and can no longer comprehend other thoughts. You have become bearers of strength yourselves through the reception of divine truth, and you find this path so natural because you are completely permeated by the strength of this truth. And thus you also have to accept from the father's hand what comes to you with wise intentions.... You are truly unable to draw the boundaries yourselves as to what is credible or not and therefore only ever have to endeavour to act in accordance with God's will and thus do what the voice of your heart commands you to do, and your actions will be right before God....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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