0993 Materialists.... concept of God.... own will....

July 4, 1939: Book 19

What man rebels against most is the acknowledgement of a power that he does not see or somehow perceive. As a person still standing in matter himself, he is still material to such an extent that only that which he is able to see or whose existence can somehow be proven is a concept to him. However, he rejects everything else as implausible as long as matter holds him captive. Only at the moment when matter begins to lose its value for man has the concept of God become comprehensible to him; he now begins to believe in a being, a power, without being able to prove its existence. However, he will not come to full realization until he himself has made contact with the eternal deity, even if unconsciously. The mere consideration that the whole universe must be controlled by a higher being gives rise to frequent reflection, and the human being occupies himself in spirit with the supreme being and begins to recognize the controller of the universe in all works of creation.... From now on he is far more interested in everything that points to the divine creator than in matter, which only appears to be a hindrance to him and is therefore avoided, i.e. fought against, by him more than ever. It can now also be understood how little can be successfully spoken of spiritual things to a materialist, because everything that cannot be grasped or felt by him with his hands appears questionable and untrustworthy to him.... And all talk in this regard is in vain until matter no longer appeals to him or he is obviously made aware of the work of the eternal deity through painful events. The lack of spiritual knowledge is often not so disadvantageous for such a person, for he would outright deny it or regard it as the pipe dream of a fantasist, and therefore such a person should remain in his ignorance until he himself has a desire for it and expresses this through a thoughtful nature and willing detachment from everything worldly.... combined with a steadily growing desire for spiritual truths. Such a person can penetrate far deeper into the spiritual realm if such a transformation has taken place within him, however, this transformation must have taken place of his own free will, there must be no human influence whatsoever, for it is precisely such initial deniers of God who are extraordinarily mentally active, and if they deal with this problem of divinity in the first place, they will certainly get on the right path through the mental influence of the spiritual helpers, whereas human influence would only strengthen their will to reject and thus the goal would be more difficult to achieve. However, it is not disadvantageous to direct such people's thoughts towards areas which were previously foreign to them so that they are offered the opportunity to decide for themselves.... but free will should do the rest....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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