
0990 Passage through all matter.... light beings.... knowledge about it....

July 2, 1939: Book 19

Everything you see on earth has travelled the path through matter and has to cover it until the spiritual has become free, that is, until it can consciously detach itself from it. This procedure takes an infinitely long time, the spiritual is imprisoned in form for thousands of years and cannot redeem itself but has to go through the course of development through God's will, which is the only way to clarify the spiritual and to free it completely from captivity one day. The (actual) supposed self-redemption can only start when all preconditions have been fulfilled, i.e. when the spiritual substance has already reached a certain state of maturity, without which, however, it would be impossible to confront the being with the final task of self-redemption. On the one hand, it takes an incredibly long time to make the being in matter itself feel its present state of agony and thus to awaken in it the desire to become free so that the next stage of development can be offered to it.... On the other hand, however, the being has to fulfil important tasks in all stages of development in the whole of creation, and the path through all matter is again the only possibility to overcome and one day master it, because the task in the beyond as a being of light is to enliven all creation, i.e., to provide unredeemed spiritual substances with the opportunity to mature through new creations of all kinds. Therefore all matter must be dominated by the being of light, this being of light itself must have travelled the path through matter; and then again the period of time of this embodiment of the spiritual in form is to be called vanishingly small compared to eternity. Only the concept of time has to be well grasped by you men to make you fully understand the meaning of your stay on earth, because when you consider that the endless long time before is to have missed its purpose, when you consider that you as men have your self-redemption completely in your hand, when you imagine, what favours are at your disposal and how you can use them and it only requires your will to become free of all matter and to leave earth life in the state of light, then you must realize the immense responsibility which you yourselves bear in earth life, and therefore you must well consider the infinitely long course before and strive with all senses and firm will to detach yourselves from matter. You will leave earthly life after a shorter or longer time, and in a certain state of maturity you will also suddenly recognize your change through innumerable works of creation, you will be able to assess the state of maturity which each form brought you, and it will fall from your eyes like scales with which love the eternal creator has given and guided you and how little you have rewarded this love in earthly life, which truly offered you enough gifts of grace but was not really used by you. And yet you have to take the last course on earth without full knowledge of this if you are to be able to transform yourselves into the purest beings of light.... All knowledge would influence you unfavourably as long as you do not strive for the highest perfection of your own accord. In order to become perfect on earth, all you need is a deep faith and profound love for God and therefore also for your neighbour.... Then this knowledge will also be made accessible to man.... God's grace and love will then obviously come to meet him and help him to survive the last battle on earth, for then the being has already consciously turned to Him and separated itself from matter.... Thus, the knowledge of this no longer puts him in a forced state, but of his own free will and of his own accord he found his way back to the father....


Translated by Doris Boekers