
0987 Truth....

June 30, 1939: Book 19

The spirit guides you into truth, and all thoughts are therefore, if you desire truth, proclamations of the spirit awakened to life in you. If you now appropriate what you have heard from the spirit, i.e. make it your spiritual property, you are in the midst of truth and in the midst of realization. So first try to listen to the voice within you, i.e. give free rein to your thoughts and grasp what your heart is willing to accept, for the lord will place the right feeling of what is right in your heart and you cannot therefore feel anything else in your heart but the pure truth. Only where your intellectual thinking drowns out the voice of the heart are you in danger of misjudging what is right and falling prey to the spirit of falsehood. Let your feelings guide you and you will not be on the wrong track if your desire for the truth fills you. If you always observe this precondition, then you will be protected from all error, for the eternal deity, Who is truth in Himself, will not allow you to fall prey to error if you desire to stand in the truth. His fatherly love wants to impart the truth to the child on earth, and His power prevents everything impure and untruthful from entering the heart of the seeker of truth. And the source, the source of truth, is always and forever to be sought only from Him. Whoever now entrusts himself to the eternal deity Himself is in the circuit of His love and is nourished with His strength. A free relationship with Him, born out of love and the desire for his creator, also provides free access to all spiritual strength, and the spirit in the human being can make contact with the divine original spirit and impart everything that is visible to him as spirit to the human being; however, it will not reveal anything to the human being which does not correspond to the truth, for an awakened spirit is truth in itself, and only the unawakened spirit does not know the light which is called truth. But the human being whose spirit is still unawakened does not concern himself with spiritual things but still clings to the earthly world, or he tries to fathom spiritual things scientifically, thus based on purely material thinking, thus does not desire the truth for the sake of truth but for the sake of honour, fame and earthly goods. And since God and all spiritual things have nothing in common with matter, truth can never again come from God as the eternal truth Himself to those who burrow in matter. And again you recognize the boundaries which the lord has drawn, that He and the truth are recognized by anyone who, detached from the world, only turns to the spiritual, that he will always and forever be the bearer of truth and can therefore unconditionally believe the word which is imparted to those who seek the lord in all childlikeness and confidence.... that the father in heaven is their constant spiritual guide and that He only gives pure truth to the earthly child through the spirit of God, which it brought to awaken within itself through active love and desire for truth....


Translated by Doris Boekers