
0986 Words of eternal life....

June 29, 1939: Book 19

Words of eternal life come to you with every reception. The lord gives His word always and at all times, and this word is received by those who desire it and live in love. When the lord makes Himself known, His nearness is proven, for he who hears the word must be in Him through love. So he may also believe without doubt and enjoy the grace of the lord. The lord promises eternal life to those who receive His word. It is His will that everyone should make use of the divine strength that flows from His word, and He therefore imparts His word to people on earth because they need this strength, but without it they have a hard time on earth. But the word is comfort and strength, it is spiritual nourishment, it is the bread of heaven, which is refreshment for the traveller on his way to his eternal home. If the divine word comes to you, receive it as the most precious gift, receive it with a grateful heart, rejoice and exult that the lord has mercy on you and visibly shows you His love, and desire nothing more than this, His most holy word.... You stand in immeasurable grace if you hear the voice of the lord and are allowed to draw from the fountain of eternal life. You receive heaven's blessing, you are raptured from the world, you approach the realms of heavenly bliss, you may only stretch out your hand and receive the most delicious gifts, and the lord Himself offers them to you, and the living water flows from the rock, which is strong unshakeable faith.... And now grasp it: He who has substantiated His word with His power does so in infinite love for you.... He wants to possess you and comes to you Himself in the word.... He descends to earth to gather His sheep around Himself, and His call is loving and concerned for every life. Those who hear this call and follow it willingly will be looked after carefully and His love knows no bounds.... The word that reaches people is His loving call to all His sheep, the word is life, eternity, love and power.... The word awakens and revitalizes, and it makes infinitely happy the person who listens to this word, who desires to receive it and takes it into his heart.... And in the word is the lord Himself.... "I am the way, the truth and the life...." Where therefore the lord speaks, there you receive purest truth, you receive from the hand of the creator everything that leads you towards eternal life, and if you now believe without doubting, the path is free of every obstacle.... But every doubt weakens the will, yet love for the divine saviour will lift you up again if you want to despair.... And therefore remain in love, so that the lord may be close to you and honour you with His word....


Translated by Doris Boekers