
0796 Opportunities to mature.... world events.... spiritual thinking....

March 5, 1939: Book 16

People have been and will continue to be offered undreamt-of opportunities which are intended to enable the human being's spirit to completely unite with God already on earth, and to the same extent as the opportunities are utilized an increase in spiritual abilities will also be achieved.... i.e. the human being can do everything himself in order to attain perfection, because he now recognizes which gifts are at the spirit's disposal by means of which he can become increasingly more perfect. To be ignorant also means to be incapable of taking care of further development; but he who is in knowledge is able to explore the power, to take it into his own possession and to work through this power. Scholarship in the earthly field is already profitable in an earthly sense.... how much more success must spiritual knowledge of things therefore bring, and how inexhaustibly can the spirit of man therefore benefit from such knowledge.... His spiritual possessions will increase many times over, and what unimaginable advantages can that person enjoy who utilizes all the opportunities offered to him solely for the purpose of further spiritual education. The more visible the success becomes, the more it will again be an incentive to strive ever more diligently in this field, and so it is therefore much easier for that person to progress who looks at everything life brings him in a spiritual sense.... who looks at nothing with earthly eyes and draws conclusions which are often quite erroneous.... but always assumes and recognizes the permission from above everywhere.... and now seeks to fathom what was probably decisive for the divine creator to influence people in precisely this way and no other.... As a human being he will never be able to understand the profound wisdom of God and many a world event will also remain incomprehensible to him; however, if his mind is only spiritually attuned, he will also have complete trust in divine guidance, by virtue of which he will unquestioningly recognize the providence. Everything depends on the will of man.... If he wants to penetrate spiritually into many a question, he will also receive a spiritual answer. However, if he only tries to fathom earthly world events as such, he will come up against inexplicable contradictions everywhere and will ultimately be broken himself by the seemingly incomprehensible authorizations of the divine creator. And this then leads to an unconscious rejection of a deity Who guides and directs the whole universe. But how should a person be able to understand God's reign and activity if he does not make the slightest effort to think spiritually? Only someone who draws from the source of eternal truth, who awakens the divine within himself to life and gives it full freedom to investigate through his will and thus enriches his knowledge, truly has no need to ponder earthly events and allowances, for the solution to such questions will very soon become clear to him.... he will understand that it cannot be otherwise on this world if its inhabitants are also to be guided into the realm of the spiritual. The ultimate purpose of all life on earth and in the whole universe is and remains that the being should free itself from all matter that clings to it.... both mentally and in form.... Yet this can only be achieved by someone whose spirit aspires to ascend, who seriously utilizes all the opportunities offered to him to reach the state of maturity.... who associates everything with the necessary purification of the soul and tries to assist it as much as possible so that it will be released from its shackles. What is currently moving the earth is, spiritually speaking, of the greatest necessity.... All struggle, all suffering and all injustice must be fought through and endured, for the human soul, which is in extreme distress, should thereby be shaken up into free thinking, and this thinking should turn upwards, into the spiritual kingdom.... it should turn away from the world and all earthly interests. Only then will the hardship subside and life on earth become bearable for people.


Translated by Doris Boekers