
0792 Admonition to love and peace.... carrying the cross.... coming in a form....

March 1, 1939: Book 16

How much you disregard My commandment, which teaches you love, if you, who want to be Mine, do not endeavour to make the time of suffering on earth bearable for each other. If you remember the short time on earth which you spend together then you are all just guests on earth and therefore all have to live in peace with each other if you don't want to make your days on earth unbearable through your own fault. And now see, My children, how I take care of each individual and do not ask to what extent he is worthy of My care. In the same way, you too will have to accept each one in love if you want to stand upright in My eyes and make yourselves worthy of My grace. Thus all your endeavours on earth should first of all be carried out with love.... And this love shall apply to everyone, whether worthy or unworthy, just as I take hold of you with My love, who do not yet come before My face completely free of slackening. I do not condemn you but lovingly come to meet you, I am ready for you at any time when you call Me. And so I will also now reveal Myself to My child and answer the silent plea of its heart.... I will come to earth again and, as it were, carry the burden of the cross once more, for I will be ridiculed and mocked.... I am denied and dishonoured by words. And only a few come to meet Me in love, for I have become a stranger to people and so it is My intention to form hearts for Me which are willing to receive Me and which stand up for Me with the greatest willingness and devotion.... I want to be a constant guide for such willing children, I want to dwell in their hearts Myself so that they see Me and feel My closeness, and this shall give them true happiness during their earthly existence. Anyone who now serves Me and sacrifices his will to Me and does not slacken in this work for Me is the one whom I love and to whom I reveal Myself in the shortest possible time, in a form which will only be understandable to you afterwards, for you are to give and receive without your knowledge.... give your love to your dear neighbour and receive My love and Me in return. And you will certainly realize the great grace and accept My love with utmost humility and deepest gratitude, for I want to give extraordinary strength to those who want to work for Me and My name. And therefore none of My children who only desire to receive Me Myself will go away empty-handed. The hour has not yet come but I will come in the middle of the night.... I will come in broad daylight.... I will come in a form that will be the fulfilment of your longing and I will let My eyes rest gently on you.... and you will not be able to bear My radiant eye and therefore I have to cover Myself with the cloak of an earthly cover and have to face you like this and you will nevertheless feel a sweet happiness when you look at Me. Therefore, My child, take note of My ever-ready love.... and I want to express this love such that you will recognize it.... that you will henceforth only be active for your saviour and serve Him with constant love....


Translated by Doris Boekers