
0781 The work as the bearer of truth.... foresight of spiritual need....

February 19, 1939: Book 16

Such is your task that the lord reveals Himself to you in order to be able to express Himself unreservedly where the necessity for people's salvation is evident. All struggle in earthly life is at present only for the gaining of earthly power, and thus all spiritual interests remain in the background. Yes, it will come so far that one will try to drown out everything spiritual, that one will only look at and judge the whole life purely earthly and declare war on every spiritual attitude. And so humanity turns more and more to materialism and completely fails to recognize its actual task on earth. And the lord wants to confront such misery on earth and now, for His part, renew and restore the spiritual connection to people where it has been completely lost. People may want to reject this path and refer to God's previous work, which did not require such obvious evidence.... They, too, will one day recognize how necessary God's intervention has now become, they, too, will realize in the time to come how endangered humanity's spiritual situation is and how only obvious evidence of spiritual strength and spiritual activity can put a stop to this dangerous state and how, on the other hand, the true purpose of life can only be sought in spiritual knowledge.... how, despite external hardship and distress, spiritually lively and active people are far more content and inwardly more secure in life than those who strive for earthly values without real knowledge of God. Whatever wealth, honour and worldly pleasures are offered to them externally cannot offer the slightest substitute for spiritual knowledge and also cannot banish the emptiness in their hearts.... and to now provide humanity with clear proof that their striving for earthly good is worthless and senseless.... clearly recognizable in an instant through the power of the Most High.... to make them understand the idleness of their lives.... an event is planned that will visibly point upwards. In the spiritual distress of humanity shaken by this event, the desire for enlightenment or clues will awaken.... Many a person will want to hear and know who until then had rejected everything. However, they will now believe much more in such evidence, which obviously testifies to God's activity, than in the traditions that have existed up to this time, which will still be rejected in the same way because they are incomprehensible to people and are not recognized as pure truth. For easily explainable reasons, the heavenly father seeks to bring the right light to all these willing people in a form that fully corresponds to people's thinking and spiritual requirements and only needs the will of the individual in order to be received with the heart. As a future bearer of divine truth this work shall find its way into humanity, and therefore no concerns and worries will need to worry hearts, for the spiritual power behind the creation of this work will also protect it from every danger from outside. The time is approaching when a renewed onslaught will be made on all spiritual endeavours and more and more demands will be made on you humans.... A general spiritual flattening will be the result, ever more eagerly one will endeavour to eradicate what could still lead mankind to faith in Jesus Christ.... A state of such sad spiritual emptiness will result that even a comfortable earthly life will no longer give people satisfaction, but they will nevertheless be completely opposed to a spiritual teaching.... for they are simply unable to give their thoughts that direction but are full of worldly wisdom, and their thinking therefore does not allow for a conversion into the spiritual realm. Exalted above the teachings that testify to an eternal deity, aware of their wise intellectual thinking and thoroughly materialistic, belief in God, in a saviour, is simply unacceptable to them. The darkness of the spirit has taken over and so unspeakable difficulties have to be overcome if the soul of such a person is to be transformed.... This human condition is imminent. Only a vanishingly small proportion hold on to their faith and will therefore be hostile. It is precisely these few who need strength and comfort in great measure, for many temptations will approach them in order to make even these few apostate from the lord. Thus the lord has made provision and sends nourishing and strengthening food to people everywhere.... Those who pay attention recognize the threads that weave invisibly from heaven to earth.... Whoever lifts his eyes to God also feels His love.... soon you people who want to be believers will feel the first signs of spiritual confusion.... and if you are not completely stable you will waver and look for comfort and strength.... It can then also happen that you no longer recognize the language of heaven if you only look for and expect it where it has been offered to you so far.... People will try to shake or take everything away from you and will want to achieve this so (cunningly) that you will be in dire straits and then have to prove your firm faith in the saviour. And whoever then has the saviour within himself will remain firm in his heart and not give Him away for the sake of external advantage. And you will have to take the strength to resist from His word and you will have to suffer much for the lord, yet it will always be bearable if you make use of His gifts from above, for they will be given to you in wise foresight of what is to come. Therefore, be careful how quickly this time will come upon you.... Blessed is he who does not take offence at the word that divine love gives you.... who eagerly commits himself to it and draws all his strength from it.... for he will survive the time of trial....


Translated by Doris Boekers