
0779 Light of truth.... clear characteristic.... word of God....

February 16, 1939: Book 16

To stand in the light of truth means the greatest gift of grace for the earthly child, and yet it is only dependent on its will that the lord reveals Himself to it. If it willingly allows itself to be used as a receptacle for divine wisdom then contact has already been established from earth to the beyond and the path to truth has been travelled. And yet people shy away from it, and without any justification. The lord God knows very well what earthly people need for their salvation.... He sees them falling into great error.... He sees them suffering from false concepts.... they deny an afterlife, and an end of existence with bodily death is far more probable to them. Must not the lord now intervene with evidence where man's faith has come to an end? Does He not have to let obvious voices from the beyond speak in order to let this faith arise anew? And you humans do not understand the lord's extraordinary work and doubt it. The lord's ways are marvellous.... yet you will never be able to fully understand His working. Nor will you ever be able to measure the depth of His love, and if He now informs people out of this love, tries to draw them to Himself through His words.... if He admonishes and warns those who are in default, comforts and refreshes the suffering, strengthens and fortifies the weak, and this through His word which comes from above.... why do you not want to recognize this word? After all, He gives nothing other than He has always given from the beginning of the world.... the ever constant truth.... to the children on earth who strive to fulfil His will and who devote themselves to Him in order to serve Him in all love and faithfulness. It is so powerful and yet again so understandable.... it is His infinite love that chooses this path.... "To those who love Me with all their heart, I will reveal Myself...." Do you want to deny the lord of heaven and earth that He fulfils His promises? He only ever wants to give you, but not take away the slightest thing, and if you recognize this gift from above correctly, you will be able to penetrate the word of God ever more easily.... everything will be made accessible to you, you will stand and live in profound faith, for your portion will be food and drink provided by the will of the lord through His servants in heaven and on earth. And you will always recognize the origin of the power that flows from this word. For what is from God lets you revive and find the truth with a bright spirit. What His love offers you must awaken love in you again.... your hearts must beat faster and ignite in ardent love for the divine saviour and redeemer. And therefore realize that everything that triggers love in your hearts emanates from eternal love.... that everything that points and leads to the saviour as the source of love also has its origin in His spirit of love. For the longing for the saviour is already His work of love in you, and if the word awakens the longing for Him, then this word has also sprung from the divine saviour. Therefore do not hesitate to accept it as it is offered to you by the caring father's hand, it is given to people on earth who are of good will, for the spiritual hardship on earth is great and can only be remedied through the mercy and tireless love of the heavenly father....


Translated by Doris Boekers