0777 Father's words.... the word.... co-operation in the struggle for souls....

February 15, 1939: Book 16

All those who love Me are blessed beyond words, My spirit dwells in their midst, for I know their hearts and also want to be recognized by them. And so the fruit of all spiritual work is My nearness, and you will be allowed to refresh yourselves, for I am with you in the word. And where My word is taught, there My spirit keeps you lively. Therefore, do not faint when the world wants to snatch you away from Me.... come to Me, your father, in all anxiety and seek help from Me.... but do not reject My word, for all blessing lies in the word and your strength is very small without it. What I reveal to you shall give you eternal life, it shall be the practicable path to your eternal home, you shall accept it as My will made known to you.... you shall, so to speak, draw everything from it.... comfort, strength and grace for your earthly existence.... You shall feel Me and My love for you, your tongues shall be loosed so that you sing praise and honour to the creator of heaven and earth. You will receive food and drink from Me, you will stand in the light and live in truth. And My will will guide you, and so you shall not stand in life fearing and trembling, for those who seek Me are never without protection. All gates will be opened to you, if only you try to enter into closest contact with Me. Anyone who desires enlightenment with a bright spirit has My full love, for his spirit longs for Me and I grant him everything that leads to him coming closer to Me. I awaken the longing in him in order to be able to fulfil him, I guide his path towards the right goal, towards his eternal home....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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