
0776 The lord's work of grace.... His will....

February 14, 1939: Book 16

Hear the words from above: Whoever is sent to carry the word of the lord, his ways are marked out. Where the lord's love is revealed, there the human being will also stand in visible protection as long as he offers himself to the father in heaven for service, and so every event is only useful for the spreading of this revelation, even if it appears to be directed against it. The threads are incessantly drawn together until they form the finest fabric, and this applies both to the production of this work and to its dissemination. The influence of the spiritual forces in the beyond on human hearts does not remain unsuccessful, and the joint work of these with the children of earth is of such great importance for all spiritual maturing that the blessing will also make itself felt, even if not yet in the foreseeable future. The spiritual turnaround cannot be brought about in a few days, tremendous work has to be done, and the more willing the earth child is, the greater success can be expected. And thus countless souls on earth and in the beyond will recognize the lord's work of grace, both people and the beings in the beyond will take care of its spreading, often unintentionally, for wherever the eternal deity places Its will before the emergence of a work, the creatures will also have to submit to the creator's will and follow the paths He prescribes for them. All care is for His living creations, and wherever there is still a possibility to save a misguided soul the creator's love and mercy is also active there and guides the beings such that they can gain the greatest possible spiritual advantage if only they are willing. But because now again also the powers hostile to God push themselves forward and likewise want to assert their influence, these also have to record apparent successes, but the power from above will rather prevail because it finds all-round support, because the spiritual struggle is tremendously great, and all high and highest beings place themselves in the service of the eternal divinity, driven by the love penetrating them to bring help to men on earth in most severe trouble. And therefore a fierce battle will break out between them and the powers of the underworld, but the power of love will triumph over that of hatred.... the power of truth will be stronger than that of lies, and the fighters of God will overcome the army of the adversary.... And blessed will be he who places himself in the service of the good spiritual forces.... who is active in the salvation of the soul from deepest distress....


Translated by Doris Boekers