
0770 Life's misfortunes necessary....

February 8, 1939: Book 16

Not the slightest event is without influence on a person's development. Just as you prove yourselves in the face of every event, success is also more or less beneficial. And so earthly life continues to be the touchstone on which you should test your resilience. Whatever fills you with indignation, annoyance or aversion you must try to change into gentleness and patience, you must always regard it as what it should be for you, as obstacles against which you are to mature.... Not that you can put these disagreements aside at will.... this would not be progress for your soul, only in overcoming all temptations, in perfecting yourselves, do you see the purpose of all adversities which make life difficult for you. You run the risk of taking a step backwards where you are not up to the trials. After all, every day is supposed to bring you advancement and so you must not oppose the trials imposed on you for this purpose but you must surrender to divine will, which allows such trials to come upon you to mature. For a life without struggle is also no possibility of progress for the soul. Only overcoming yourselves can bring you success, but a quiet, peaceful life only brings sluggishness of spirit and a weakened will. And this then harbours many dangers for the soul. The hard fate that is sometimes bestowed upon a person will only have a successful effect on the soul, for in struggling and overcoming the soul strengthens itself and is far more likely to release itself from its shackles; however, a being that is spared all difficulties is not equal to the battle against evil. Instead of being an overcomer itself, it is defeated by the opposing power and has to suffer unspeakably, and these sufferings are much more severe than the adversities of daily life. Only in constant struggle is the soul offered the opportunity to develop freely, and every struggle can be overcome if, when your strength fails, you confess your weakness to the divine lord and saviour and ask Him to take care of you.... He will not leave you without help, for His words are so sweet: "Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden.... I will give you rest." Why do you fear and hesitate, why do you feel weak, when the lord will always help you with His strength if you only ask Him. Leave all fear and anxiety behind and only look to the lord with trust.... He will never abandon those in need who trustingly turn to Him for help. And thus every oppressive or agonizing situation in life will resolve itself, just make sure that it does not have the opposite effect on you than its actual purpose should be.... that it does not make you act hardened and unloving.... make sure that you only ever let love speak within you, for only love alone will overcome and allow you to emerge successfully from such trials. Shape your heart in ever deeper love and thus also become a blessing to your environment, and through love you will become free from the pressure that weighs on you, and your soul will also become free if you overcome all difficulties in life by virtue of this love....


Translated by Doris Boekers