
0769 Reshaped word.... degree of comfort.... realization of the truth....

February 6, 1939: Book 16

So know that you are all of the same spirit, know that the father's hand is guiding you and that the father is inclined towards everyone who desires to hear Him. There will therefore also be many different revelations, all of which are intended to express the same thing and lead to the same goal. Even if the father considers the children on earth differently, the same will can nevertheless be recognized, for He only ever gives the pure truth if the recipient desires the truth and proves himself worthy of the revelation. It is like a glow of different light intensity.... The gifts from above can be offered in an easily understandable form and yet cannot be properly recognized if the recipient reproduces the lord's words in a different form. There are so many examples of people pleasing themselves by speaking in the most complicated way possible and thus reproducing a spiritual image received in all simplicity and clarity in an ornate form.... People try to adorn themselves with erudition and bring out all their wisdom, when the word received from above expresses everything precisely and needs no improvement. If people reject the teachings that seem incomprehensible to them, this is only too understandable.... Man often perceives the additional work of man and resists it, whereas the pure word of God often finds its way into the initially reluctant human heart through its simple nature, because the power of God is also inherent in this word. The teachings have always been offered in the same truth, but the truth should have an even more insistent effect on people and was provided with human accessories for this purpose, which, however, only harms the matter itself, but can never be of use. Let me tell you: turn your attention to the plain, simple word, you must be able to grasp everything with your heart and mind, you must also feel at ease when the lord's words resound in your ears.... You will also be able to deduce the truth of what you hear from the degree of comfort, for the lord wants to penetrate people's hearts through His word, so He will never use a form which in itself already causes resistance and which appears unacceptable to the earthly child. Whoever desires truth will also recognize it, and indeed, truth will always be offered from above in such a form that the earthly child cannot take offence at it but can always touch it pleasantly. Pay attention to the voice in the heart, it will know exactly how to distinguish the true word of God from a subsequently transformed word which is difficult for man to understand and which is also supposed to come from the same source. God always protects those who want to remain in the truth and gives them knowledge in every dispute.... He sharpens their power of judgement and their sense of justice, and thus the earthly child will always find the right path if it finds itself in the situation of having to decide between several paths. For God's protection is assured to everyone who desires Him and the truth....


Translated by Doris Boekers