
0767 Word of God....

February 3, 1939: Book 16

So accept the words of the lord and take them to heart. The soul has to fight an unrivalled battle if it wants to enter the state of Godlikeness, and the temptations to pull it down into the darkness of the spirit are great. But there is also every possibility to free yourselves from the impending dangers if only you heed the lord's words. The earth hovers, as it were, in the midst of all hostile violence. Everything that the earth harbours is seized by it, and only constant resistance can bring about the release from this violence. Just as desires lure and pull man from below, so the word of God is given to you from above, which, if obeyed, has far greater power and lifts you out of the depths and darkness. Countless struggling souls need God's help and again do not seize the only means which brings them real help. Likewise, countless beings in the beyond are only supported by the word of God, and they, too, are offered it through God's love. Accordingly, just as people on earth are attuned to the word of God, so will their fate be in the beyond. What they reject here will not appear much more acceptable to them there, and it will take a long time until they have become receptive to the word of God. And they will regret the time when they have recognized.... the time on earth and in the beyond which they lost in blindness of spirit for their soul. Every concession with a willing heart to the beings teaching them bears rich fruit, both on earth and on the other side.... The word of God will be taught time and again, and humanity will never be left without this precious gift from heaven, for without the outpouring of divine love no salvation for the soul would truly be possible. Everything spiritual must be spiritually strengthened.... the soul cannot be satisfied by earthly food, and thus the right nourishment for the soul must come from above. If now the lord, in ever constant love, ensures that none of His children shall go hungry.... when He knows what these children lack, then the earthly child only needs to turn its will to Him.... he only needs to give his consent and willingly receive what the father lovingly offers him. Instead, people refuse and do not want to receive. They put up a blatant defence against what they alone need.... They live into the day and do not consider their end. However, there is only one path left for them in the adversity of their heart, and if they take it, they will still be helped in the last hour. And therefore it is only the will of the human being himself who allows difficult times to befall him and the earth. If all admonitions from above do not find their way into the hearts of men, then they must be roused from their rest in some other way. People try to awaken their spirit through scientific work, they believe that they can enlighten everything that is dark to them in this way, and yet they are far from it. For the deity and Its working can never be fathomed by earthly wisdom, many areas are left to science to which its research may apply, but the final question is unfathomable to it.... and will remain unfathomable to it. On the other hand, the acceptance of the word of God with the heart is the only gateway through which man can reach eternal truth and divine wisdom. But without the word of God every entrance to knowledge is closed. Let the human being consider that he can receive unlimitedly, that he can enrich his knowledge immeasurably and that he only needs deep faith and active love for this.... and that he in turn can only attain faith through the word of God and that love is also rooted in living faith.... that one is therefore inconceivable without the other and that a person's heart must willingly open itself in order to become knowledgeable.... To hear the living word of God is a proof of divine love and mercy.... it is an act of grace of incomprehensible proportions, yet people pay no attention to the proof of grace and fall ever deeper into the judgement from which they are supposed to redeem themselves. The lord speaks to people, and He will speak at all times.... Those who hear Him will be blessed, but woe to those who do not heed Him.... who consider themselves too exalted to accept and heed the words of love. They will truly have to go through great hardship so that they, too, will come to realization while they are still on earth, for they do not appreciate the value of life and will suffer great torment if they recognize their inadequate state of soul in the beyond. And therefore pay attention to the words which come to you from above and do not reject them....


Translated by Doris Boekers