0760 Conveying divine power.... electrons....

January 27, 1939: Book 16

And therefore it will be left to you humans to regard the work of creation as a reproductive tool of the emanation of divine strength. In the plan of creation this can only be sent out into the universe via an infinite number of small living beings so that the human being may partake of this power to the highest degree and, as a purified being, himself power from God, unite again with the original power. If you humans consider this endlessly long path and regard yourselves as the final destination, then it must also be understandable to you that your endeavours should now only be directed towards the final goal, for you harbour so countless miracles of divine creation which, permeated by divine strength, have all found unification in the human being's soul, and you will understand what is now at stake when the last receiving vessel of all power from God is unscrupulously smashed and all already existing power contributes to the increase of matter, which after all is supposed to be dissolved and completely changed into spiritual, which is then the case when the power of God is not used for spiritual perfection but is only used for purely worldly things. You truly possess this power flowing from God in great abundance and do not know what abilities are yours through it if you would like to utilize the power in the right sense.... how you can penetrate the wonders of divine creation and your spiritual eye can see what is otherwise invisible to you.... how you could only ever convince yourselves of God's love, wisdom and omnipotence if it were your serious will to already achieve the perfection possible for you here on earth. The more you learn to see spiritually, the less you feel the burden of earth, and as soon as the spirit of God comes alive in you, you are master over all matter, yet in order to awaken it to life your mind must only be focussed on using earthly life for your spiritual well-being.... You must remain in deepest union with the divine creator and only ever entrust yourselves to His benevolent fatherly hand.... Then every step will be a step towards perfection. For God only sees the will of the earthly child.... If this is turned towards Him, then He will take hold of his heart with His love and guide it towards the right goal. Anyone who always sends the prayer to the father from the bottom of his heart: "I want to serve You in time and eternity....", his will also grasps the power that comes to him and this draws him towards it.... because everything that emanates from God, if He is not resisted, inevitably leads back to God.


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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