
0758 Blessing of the work of redemption.... faith in it necessary....

January 26, 1939: Book 16

Only those who have faith in the saviour in their deepest heart should be allowed to enter the kingdom of the eternal, for it is an incomparable error to deny Him, and all matter must prevail without the divine redeemer, since He alone was able to break the power of death and thus only then was it possible for humanity to overcome matter. But a human being can never again redeem himself from his fetters by his own strength and he must therefore have full faith in the saviour of the world. Only then can he also be led into the truth, for man can only recognize what is right when he frees himself from the bonds of matter. Thus the whole change on earth is only then according to divine will when the human being voluntarily moves the thought of redemption in his heart.... when he tries to imagine that he is hopelessly at the mercy of the opposing power.... that his struggle for realization would be in vain because the power of evil would be so strong without the work of redemption that the human being would not be able to fight it. But this very power was broken by the lord Jesus Christ, and the power of love now has the upper hand.... This is why faith in the divine saviour can never be eliminated, for the lord takes care of everyone who believes in Him. But He cannot give the same help and grace to those who reject Him and go to war against Him....

At the threshold of death, a person with a bright spirit will often be allowed a glimpse into the realm of eternity.... He will suddenly recognize the value of faith in Jesus Christ, and for some it will then be too late.... That is why the deity now wrestles for every soul, it wants to show it the way in order to be able to partake of all favours which were made accessible to men through the work of redemption.... But all of God's love and mercy is in vain where the earthly child stubbornly refuses to follow all instructions. The lord spoke the words on the cross: "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do...." And the father is long-suffering and full of love, intent only on instructing the ignorant and telling them about the blessing of the work of redemption. And the world is becoming ever more hardened, ever darker in its thinking and ever further removed from the eternal truth. Thus there is only the possibility left to change people's thinking through world-shaking events, and in order not to let all these misguided people fall prey to destruction, this very judgement by God is required so that those who hear His call and follow Him will still find their way back to the father. The creator of all that exists truly only has the best in mind for His creatures, even though people do not recognize it as such.... Everything that was, is and will be has only ever happened for the purpose of people's spiritual development, because the father in heaven is loving, wise and just.... and He organizes His things in such a way that is spiritually beneficial for His children on earth....


Translated by Doris Boekers