
0757 Efforts of the teachers beyond....

January 25, 1939: Book 16

How deplorable are those people who do not want to recognize. And what favours will they lose, but in times of adversity they lack firm support, which is why all thoughts are only directed towards securing earthly life in order to be relieved of all adversity. Yet their hour will also come, for the test of life can only be passed by overcoming the resistance which has to be offered to an earthly child if its earthly life is to be of benefit to it and its soul. Therefore try to remain silent if the understanding for spiritual truths is not yet present, and now receive:

The pure spirits teach people in various forms. Where a direct connection from the beyond to earth is possible, a regulated instruction can also be carried out and the wisdom can be offered in such a way that it touches every area. A planned training can begin, which introduces the earth child to all knowledge according to its receptivity. A person longing for truth will be able to be taught the fullest truth, since the spiritual teachers will endeavour to impart spiritual knowledge in all its fullness. However, spiritual beings who are in the know also dwell in the vicinity of every earthly human being and try to influence his thoughts and in this way promote his inner life. Whoever feels the urge to give his thoughts a certain direction or is concerned with the actual purpose of life, his thoughts are guided or influenced by such active spirit beings who take care of the searching or erring souls. Not one person remains completely uninfluenced from the spiritual side, only the success of these beings is not always the same and not always satisfying, for they often meet with quite stiff resistance, namely where matter still holds the human being too tightly in its grip and he does not want to know anything about a spiritual world lying outside the material world. There, every emerging thought of a spiritual destiny on earth will be rejected immediately, because it does not appeal to people with a completely materialistic attitude. And it is precisely such people who are in urgent need of enlightenment, and the spiritual beings who want to teach often achieve nothing and have to try again and again with the greatest patience to teach people to think differently and thus make their whispers accessible. It is the heavenly father's will that all help shall be sent to the earthly children from above in order to put a stop to people's spiritual shallowness, and therefore means will be used in view of the spiritual backwardness, which becomes more noticeable from day to day, which shall bring about great success and meet with the divine creator's approval. Whoever pays attention to the coming time will notice extraordinary phenomena which will repeat themselves more and more often in order to involuntarily direct people's thoughts to supernatural things. Such phenomena always occur when a tremendous emotional upheaval has preceded them, thus people will concern themselves with things which are inexplicable to them and then look for the explanation in the supernatural and, even with good will, find it.... For the lord seeks to bring salvation to everyone, and this in different ways. Therefore pay attention to everything that can lead to knowledge.... these are only ever the endeavours of your friends in the beyond who are concerned about your salvation and would like to help you during the time you are still misguided and ignorant.... Anyone who does not stubbornly resist the help from above will recognize and benefit greatly from every event if it is his will to attain the truth....


Translated by Doris Boekers