
0749 Conqueror of matter.... unlocking the inner eye.... spiritual growth....

January 21, 1939: Book 15

The more eagerly you seek contact with your heavenly father the easier it will be for you to receive the proclamations from the beyond, for the soul forms a kind of heavenly ladder which it can easily climb the less resistance the body puts up against it. And thus an everlasting connection is the surest guarantee for your progress, and subsequently you will also realize that you are making tremendous progress in the spiritual realm if only you pay attention to how distant everything worldly touches you, how unreal and insignificant everything appears to you, which is in fact also insignificant, and how only all spiritual experiences are and will remain the most important for you. And when your spirit has now overcome the matter around it, then you will also penetrate ever deeper into the spiritual.... What is still a mystery to you today will now visibly and audibly reveal itself to you, and all struggle, which is now still directed towards matter, will be superfluous in the future, for the enlightened spirit, which is no longer bound by the fetters of matter, is unhindered in its ascent into the spheres of light, it no longer needs life on earth for its perfection.... As the conqueror of matter, he is entitled to participate in the deep knowledge of spiritual truths, and so the heavenly father will give him every opportunity to penetrate them. Whatever moves him, whatever he desires to explore.... nothing is closed to him, and the hours of most blissful edification now await such a soul which has taken the path of light truth and whose desire is for the final union with the eternal creator. So it is enough for you to know that your spirit will also reach that stage where all questions which still occupy you today will be answered most clearly, for those who are searching of their own free will are assured of all assistance. Just as everything in nature complements and perfects itself according to divine wisdom in a well-considered sequence, just as everything follows its course in divine order, spiritual growth can also be observed step by step.... a certain stage must always be reached first in order to enter the next level, and all preconditions must be taken into account so that no incomplete knowledge is an obstacle to the maturing of the soul. Behold, and thus you humans should not worry about how and in what way the father imparts this knowledge to you, for everything only happens in order to make the kingdom of heaven accessible to you in all bliss, and even the smallest event contributes towards this, although it is often not quite comprehensible to you.... Whoever seeks frequent contact with the father, his heart should not be afraid of the task he has been given.... The father's ways are marvellous, His love infinite, His power mighty.... and He should not be able to do this, to satisfy the desire of the heart of a willing child.... to let the spirit take a look into infinity and to open the inner eye for him?.... It will come, like a dream in the night.... what seems impossible in the daily monotony of life will take shape, and the earthly child will suddenly see in the spirit. Only a complete detachment from the world is necessary.... Whoever gives up the last out of love for the father, the father will give him back incomparably more beautiful things, and he will recognize that his sacrifice earned him the fullness of divine love, in that his spirit received in abundance....

And now listen to the advice that comes to you from on high. The same spiritual forces warn you against haste. People often do not know how to draw the line between the right and wrong application of the commandments concerning the search for the supernatural. Caution is always advisable if people have not reached spiritual maturity and are not yet receptive, so to speak, to messages from above. They will be thrown off course and their spiritual constitution will not progress but rather misjudge the significance of the messages from above and reject and condemn them as not wanted by God. For them the time has not yet come, and if they faithfully endeavour to walk rightly before God, their opinion should be left to them, for a complete enlightenment is not required where one already believes to fully recognize the truth. And in order not to confuse and plunge great doubters into even greater doubts, you should not yet carry out your plan (No. 0746) until you receive more detailed instructions, for the lord sees into the hearts of those, and He considers each one according to need. This only for the knowledge that the opportunity will find itself, for which your lines were received by you, but that they do not yet want to fulfil their purpose at present....


Translated by Doris Boekers