0747 Insertion into the divine order....

January 17, 1939: Book 15

What the father commands you to do must be your guiding principle, for living in His will is all He requires of you, and His law is only given in order to lead you to happiness, because the fulfilment of this law is also the prerequisite for entering eternal bliss. Whoever endeavours to live in such a way that every day is an insertion into the divine order will be able to solve the earthly task quite easily.... he is subject to the will of the father and will therefore never act and think differently than is in accordance with divine will, and a child who never opposes the father's commandment will also receive the full reward for his obedience. However, the slightest act of rebellion will be recognizable in its consequences.... It is not that the father rejects his child because of this, but the child will seriously harm itself by having to continue to struggle with resistance throughout its earthly life, while a willing integration into God's order also ensures an always calm and easy earthly life with the happy feeling of the child belonging to the heavenly father. Anyone who does not know this feeling in earthly life does not know what he has to do without.... he therefore also does not appreciate the father's love and yet again needs the strength to be able to fulfil God's commandments.... and therefore his struggle on earth will be ever more difficult, for he who has love also has strength.... he who lives in love for the heavenly father will use all his willpower to comply with the divine laws, and it will therefore be easy for him to fit in with God's intended order, for then the child will want the same as the father wants, because the love which unites both pursues the same goal.... eternal union and thus eternal bliss....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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