
0746 Grace(choice).... red thread....

January 16, 1939: Book 15

Those who are in doubt should not ask for My advice in vain, and so accept the following: To have the right knowledge in all things is not to be demanded of you humans, yet you should endeavour to learn to understand that the intervention of the eternal deity is often unavoidably necessary and that such must be left to Me in its nature, for you humans are unable to judge what is necessary in world events. And thus you humans will hardly be able to overlook what a dreadful end your fate would be without My visible working amongst you. The spiritual adversity amongst humanity requires infinite love and mercy, and if I send this to people you will grumble and close yourselves to My words, and yet this is the only way to help all erring and missing earthly children out of all adversity. And if the soul begs for mercy in all agony, shall I abandon it to ruin unheard just so as not to overturn your statutes, which you alone interpret in such a way that they exclude My intervention? Every person on earth is My child and I want to give My help to everyone, and I cannot bind Myself to empty letters which you do not grasp according to their meaning.... I would truly not be a good father if I did not want to help these children in need, for you also want My mercy.... you want Me to bless you and bestow My grace on you.... and My love should not be so great that grace would be granted to all? You want to make the measure of grace of love dependent on the worth or unworthiness of the person? Everyone will be allowed to receive grace in abundance and I will not deny it to anyone who only finds Me in prayer. And therefore you should not believe that you only stand in the grace you have found towards Me.... My grace is also granted without limit to those who in all humility expect such from Me, and not one person will be denied grace if he does not reject it himself. And therefore it is completely absurd to portray Me as a strict, implacable father Who has only chosen whom He considers with His grace and leaves the non-chosen empty-handed. You must consider one thing, that you are all sinful, you must consider how countless times I have to forgive your sins, but how My love continues to see My children in you. And then you will also be able to realize that I make no distinction and that all children on earth are close to Me as having originated from Me without exception and that My concern applies to all.... that I await everyone's return to the father's house and would also like to give everyone the same means of help in order to speed up this return. Therefore, anyone who believes that he is in the sun of grace of My love must never ever let My love appear so limited that it cannot and does not want to take hold of all beings equally, and it is solely up to the human being's will to make himself worthy of this grace, i.e. he must only want to receive it and it will be offered to him without limitation.

Now I want to give the doubting brother some more information about the question that particularly moves him: Behold, in quiet hours you recognize the deity and your heart has overcome fear. Now it desires a visible sign from Me, it desires, so to speak, a separation of the righteous and the unrighteous.... it wants to be visibly and audibly initiated and drawn into the building of the new Jerusalem, and in such impatience it completely overlooks the fact that the work on earth is already the beginning of this building and that you all serve Me when you take care of the ignorant and instruct them through My word. As the time of the judgement is no longer far away, you should all make use of this short time and devotedly stand up for My word, and if you are commanded to do so from above, then simply pass it on so that they who are not in the knowledge of books may grasp it. My word will always and forever remain the same, and every meaning of the word remains unchanged, only man's mind has created changes for itself and often errs in the interpretation of the word. But if I want to help you and make this word of Mine accessible to you anew in an easily understandable way and explain it to you in detail, then do not reject it but grasp the thread which shall unravel what is unclear to you.... which shall illustrate My love to you, and all wisdom shall be imparted to you as I deem necessary, yet always only for your benefit and that of all humanity....


Translated by Doris Boekers