
0744 Assurance of protection for a champion of God....

January 13, 1939: Book 15

Do not hide your face from the lord when He chooses you in His favour. Give your soul to Him and let yourself be guided by the will of the lord, then the lord will draw near to you in such a way that your heart will recognize Him.... And likewise your tongue will be loosed, and the word of the lord will come to you exceedingly easily. For then the hour is approaching which shall make you a champion for His name. In an incredibly short time you will receive those spiritual powers by means of which it will be easy for you to give instruction in every area and to refute all objections from the enemy's side accurately. This will be necessary with the opponent's way of fighting, and yet very few will want to recognize a visible working of the deity here too and therefore resort to the harshest antidotes to render a representative of God's pure teaching harmless. Yet their endeavours are in vain, unforeseen events will always thwart their intentions and you will pass through many such hostilities without danger, for God's love and wisdom rule and work and bring about all events for the benefit of humanity if it does not oppose them with all its will. However, anyone who works according to God's will and for His honour will be able to avoid any hostility from people because it is God's will that he has been given this sphere of activity and he is therefore protected until he has fulfilled his ministry for the glory of God. Yet to fight for God's word and the name of the divine saviour is a task of such great importance that the serving earthly child is assured every protection from above, and therefore not a hair of his head will be allowed to be harmed if it is not the will of.... But whoever the lord promises His protection should stand firm in faith and in the confidence that the father always remembers His child.... He will be as it were untouchable and be able to exercise his ministry with such power that success will not fail to materialize.... that the path to the heavenly father will nevertheless be taken by many who recognize the purely divine word in the word which was visibly made accessible to people and endeavour to live according to it.... And so your work on earth shall soon begin for the blessing of humanity, for the time is near when good and evil will be separated.... light and darkness.... falsehood and truth.... where the way upwards is shown with fiery scripture....


Translated by Doris Boekers