0742 Fatherwords....

January 10, 1939: Book 15

In the intention to serve Me, I recognize the willingness of My servants on earth. Every hour sacrificed to Me increases their spiritual wealth, for he who gives to Me receives in abundance and his sacrifice bears abundant fruit. Those who see their God and father in Me, who only strive to fulfil My will, will also be honoured by Me to hear My word and the purest gift, offered by Me Myself, will make them unspeakably happy, for I Myself am close to them in the word and My breath touches them when I speak to them. The highest fulfilment can already become theirs on earth, even the body can feel the blissful shiver of My nearness if this is My will, and the soul can detach itself and dwell in spheres of light, beholding the blissful host of spirits, for love for Me opens all gates and gives the soul liberation, even if only for a short time. You should constantly endeavour to achieve this, My child, for the higher you stand in the light of truth the more My love will take hold of you, for you will then serve Me in all faithfulness by being ready to receive in order to give again to the people who wanderingly cross your path of life. And the light shall be spread.... My labourers shall work diligently and tirelessly in the vineyard so that I can still reap a rich harvest in the last hour and My small flock will be multiplied many times over. I recognize My own very well, I know about all their faults and weaknesses but also about their love for Me and that they want to work for Me on earth.... I want to kindle their love so hotly in their hearts that they will be seized by a burning desire for Me and then satisfy this desire and make them infinitely happy, and when their love flares up into the brightest glow their hearts will be opened for My return, and then this heart will hear My word in the sweetest voice and be unspeakably happy about it.... And you will immediately be active for Me if this love has taken hold of you.... You will no longer feel suffering but be relieved of earthly suffering, even if it seems to the world that your fate is a hard one. Trust Me and My word.... I take away all suffering from you who have become My own in love and faithfulness.... You will hear the voices of angels and feel sweet pleasure, even if you offer your bodies to the world for mockery and derision. Whoever truly serves Me, I will protect him from suffering.... I let him see heaven, and the soul removes itself from its shell and leaves the body to those who, in blind zeal, only serve the world.... I receive you and will bless you for all eternity....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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