
0741 Fatherwords....

January 10, 1939: Book 15

You should seek My spirit often, My dear child, and true enlightenment will come to you at any time. Man cannot go astray who feels in himself that he belongs to Me, and in the same way all forces from Me unite with that which is from Me and longs for Me. Just one example, that far away from home the child remembers its father's house in love and already the thought of father and mother lets it stay with them in spirit, but these hurry through the far distance in the same longing for love for the child and so only a spatial separation exists according to the body, but no barriers are set for the mutual thoughts and the spirit in them, so that they are allowed to stay together at any time and the power of love expresses itself unchanged. You, who have gone out from Me and whom I await back with all love, will always be certain of this love, and your heart should therefore only ever be longingly turned towards Me, then there will also be no boundaries between us....

I embrace My children with all intimacy and only ever want their best.... protect them in the adversity which must be their lot in earthly life in order to recognize Me. The father's love is the most precious thing they can call their own in earthly life, and if they are aware of it, all earthly pain will only pass them by like a dream. But how many go through earthly life unaware of the divine father's love. Life becomes a burden for them because they alone have to bear what the father sends them.... they do not recognize Me and My strength of love cannot flow to them.... The meaning of life remains hidden from them, they carry out their earthly activities purely mechanically, care for the body and live in the frenzy of pleasure.... But they do not enter into intimate contact with Me, and I can only ever give them My love in the form of sorrow and worry so that they can find Me alone, unconstrained and completely of their own free will. And that is why there is so much hardship and misery in the world, because the number of those who recognize Me is getting smaller and smaller and My fatherly love can only express itself in such hardship in order to guide My children towards recognition. Yet those who have found Me should always and forever send their spirit to Me; every thought directed towards Me as father is strength and a source of grace, and you yourselves will derive the greatest benefit from it, for My love takes hold of you.... it knows no bounds and awakens in you the longing for eternal union. And your end will then be a blissful one....


Translated by Doris Boekers