
0740 Inner contemplation.... willpower through divine grace....

January 10, 1939: Book 15

The most important thing in life is that you often reflect on yourselves.... that you always endeavour to enter into the blessing of God's grace, for God's grace revives the willpower.... Far away from the world, in the time of quiet contemplation, you will feel the strengthening of the will, and no obstacle will stand in the way of the soul if it wants to take the path upwards. Everything the soul needs will be granted to it in abundance as soon as it strives, however, without the grace it can easily obtain it is considerably more difficult to progress, indeed, it is usually completely questionable, for the earthly child will rather go back in its endeavour than remain on the same level of development if God's love does not helpfully meet it through grace. Therefore, do not neglect to implore it, since your own will is indispensable.... but as soon as your will itself asks for it, you will be abundantly provided with it.... You must never forget that the heavenly father will provide you with every conceivable help, but that this must always be made dependent on your will.... that God's grace cannot be granted to you as long as you do not request and ask for it yourselves. If you want to, you will receive.... yet to support yourselves without your will would mean allowing inactive beings to come into being through God's will, whose freedom of will would be taken away. It is therefore extremely easy to understand why you should turn to the heavenly father in prayer again and again.... You should not ask for earthly things, but be seriously concerned for the well-being of your soul, then your earthly well-being will also be assured. There are often days when you pay less attention to your inner life.... that you go along as it were unconcerned and inactive in a spiritual sense and therefore God's grace cannot flow to you, which results in a weakening of willpower, carelessness and a certain indifference towards spiritual welfare. All these phenomena should warn you not to remain in this state.... they should always be a gentle reminder to gather yourselves together again in prayer and to implore God's help against the weariness of the spirit. And this request will also be granted, for the father will not leave a child struggling for its salvation without help. You should be reminded of the words of the gospel: "Ask and it will be given to you.... knock and it will be opened to you...."


Translated by Doris Boekers