0734 Participation of otherworldly beings in lectures....

January 4, 1939: Book 15

The friends on the other side tell you about the extremely blessed and God-ordained gathering of today. There were so many friends gathered around you who are united with you in love. Every word echoed in the circle of friends on the other side, and a bright circle of light surrounded all those who were close to you. The words of the lord were received by them with equal fervour, and they will be passed on in love and imparted to those in need of instruction. The lord's love is unlimited, it always brings new souls to you, and your work on earth is far more extensive for the beyond than you realize. Anyone who was united with you in love on earth receives the invitation through your remembrance to participate in your spiritual work, and thus you are constantly surrounded by searching, partly knowing, partly completely ignorant beings who accompany you at every turn in order to be able to receive spiritual truths from the same source, for their desire for them is unspeakable. If you now live in a close circle and devote yourselves to spiritual work, their joy is indescribable, as every spiritual conversation is a source for them from which they can also draw and satisfy their hunger and thirst. A circle was gathered around you which needs no further explanation than that everyone is close to you in love. Whom you wished to have around you in your thoughts, these thoughts also summoned, but countless others surrounded you besides these, for where God-seeking and God-loving earth children come together and raise their souls into spiritual regions, there will also always be an army of beings from the beyond who would also like to serve the divine lord and saviour by teaching or being taught. A perpetual change has taken place, your friends also wanted to express themselves audibly to you, but you were surrounded by a protective wall of light figures, which did not allow an announcement of still unfinished spiritual beings, because such is not of great advantage for the still struggling souls. People on earth certainly desire communications from loved ones close to them, yet these cannot instruct you so thoroughly since they are not yet fully enlightened themselves, and thus they are only rarely granted permission to make themselves known in order not to divert their endeavours from the pure spiritual, which would certainly be very easily possible if high spiritual maturity is not a prerequisite for the proclamations. The lord directs all your steps for the purpose of further perfection, He also gives those souls in the beyond the opportunity to develop higher again, and thus He will give or deny.... according to necessity, but always for the benefit of the souls on earth and in the beyond, to whom His equal love and care applies. The souls now live in constant expectation of such lessons, which bring them spiritual liberation, and therefore all friends in the beyond want to ensure, if possible, that the lessons are repeated and that the spiritual work progresses well, for such opportunities are also of great benefit to the souls in the beyond if people's love for each other is the driving force and all their endeavours are only for the advancement of their and their fellow human beings' souls....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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