
0733 The word of God.... love.... truth.... wisdom....

January 3, 1939: Book 15

And those who refuse to accept the word of God will be foolish.... they will have no comfort in adversity and suffering and will also have to do without all support in difficult times, for if the lord Himself is prepared to give you everything with His word and you do not respect His gift, you will have to live in want and will be lonely and abandoned in life. The pure word of God is the creator's gift from the beginning.... it came to people from above at all times.... it was the connection from the eternal deity to the beings on earth. This word was heard by whoever wanted to hear it and was in love with God.... For it happens what man wants.... The father makes Himself known through His word to the one who longs for God. The word is the bearer of divine love and divine power, and this word is heard by anyone who makes himself worthy of God's love and power.... The love of God reveals itself to the earthly child through the word, and until the end of the world God will reveal Himself in the word to those who are His children. Whoever has this word is already blessed on earth, and whoever lives according to the word of God has the kingdom of heaven.... eternal bliss. But woe to those who oppose the word of God, they not only lack everything that is necessary for salvation, but will also fall victim to judgement if they do not recognize their wrongdoing at the right time. What the lord gives to His own should make their earthly path easier and show them ways and means to find their way back to the heavenly father. But how can such help be offered to you who reject the word of God and His grace visibly shown to you? The father's love repeatedly endeavours to inform the earthly child of its earthly task, of the child's right relationship with the father and of all means of grace, the application of which will lead to the goal in a short time, and time and again the father imparts the word to His children so that they should not be abandoned and go through life without any help. And thus everyone will be blessed by God's word who does not close his ear to the gift that comes from above but, hungering and thirsting, receives the refreshment that the lord has blessed with His strength. How empty is the life of a person who does not draw everything from the word of God.... knowledge, faith and from this love of God and neighbour. When the lord God makes a visible appearance, when He imparts His word to humanity and preaches His love to people of good will, then he who takes His word to heart and is permeated by the spirit of love that speaks from the word of God will also stand in the love and grace of God. The lord gave the same.... the truth.... at all times, to all generations and to everyone always and forever. For the word of God can only be pure truth because it emanates from God, as the truth Himself. The word of God must also be pure love, where the starting point of the word is likewise love itself.... And all wisdom must be made accessible to the earthly child through it, since the eternal wisdom Itself teaches the earthly child. And so whoever accepts the word of God will stand in truth, love and wisdom.... And it will endure for all eternity because the love, truth and wisdom of God cannot pass away.... But whoever rejects the word of God, all truth, love and wisdom is also closed to him indefinitely....


Translated by Doris Boekers