0717 Miracles of divine love.... father's words....

December 21, 1938: Book 15

Behold, My child, the miracle of divine love is still incomprehensible to you and yet it will always be proof to you of My way of life among you who adhere to Me. See, where two love each other, they will give and do everything to each other, for love is only genuine when it gives in order to make the other happy. And in the same way I want to make My children happy whom I love dearly, and the whole nature of My love shall be revealed to them if their hearts are also turned towards Me. For love can only ever make people happy when both parts are united by the feeling of love. Therefore, love is the very substance which unbreakably connects the beings forever, and if I seize a child with My love it will remain eternally and indissolubly united with Me, and its share is eternal bliss through My blissful love. And I ask nothing of you, My children, but that you willingly give yourselves to Me.... that you allow yourselves to be seized by My love and offer Me all your childlike love. Secure in My love, an exceedingly blissful existence will blossom for you.... Every burden will seem bearable to you, every suffering will lose its bitterness, nothing can frighten you if you are aware of the heavenly father's love.... Whatever events come upon you which cause you worry will pass you by like a breeze without having a depressing effect, for My love keeps everything away from you and is only ever concerned for your well-being. And even the suffering I cannot spare you is only love for you and necessary for your complete happiness in the future.... Therefore, do not be immediately despondent when life is hard on you, for I always stand behind you and hold My hands protectively over your soul, even though your body is exposed to bodily ills. Behold, My child, all gifts come from Me, suffering and joy, and love lets everything come over you, for as you come ever closer to Me through this, happiness will also become ever deeper and more inward, for in the final union with Me lies the highest happiness, which is not yet comprehensible to you. Anyone who wants to prove himself worthy of My gift must give his heart to Me completely and surrender himself to Me with complete trust and devotion so that I can work in his heart through My will, so that it will be a willing instrument in My hands and only ever listen to My word.... in order to one day find supreme fulfilment in My love and be unspeakably happy in eternity....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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