0715 Care of the spiritual friends for the relatives on earth....

December 18, 1938: Book 15

All resistance against the power of the lord is in vain; He places you into the sphere of activity which can provide you with the state of maturity, and all resistance against the will of the lord now also requires the intervention of divine power, for the lord does not leave man to his self-chosen fate as long as the will of man does not obviously oppose the will of the lord. In every adversity of life the lord knocks at the door of the heart and desires entry.... And so earthly hardship is very often the most salutary medicine against the rigid minds of earthly children. Therefore, confidently leave all worries to your divine saviour and patiently await the time of your loved ones' spiritual maturity.... Your spiritual friends are now telling you how the first signs of your blessed work on earth are already making themselves felt. A whole circle of spiritual beings is already active to continue the work you have started on your fellow brothers and sisters, and there are many connections from the beyond to earth which are being utilized in the most diligent work in order to influence the thoughts of the earthly children to the best of their ability. All work in this regard is of such immense value, as it directs people's thoughts upwards and progress is made in the spiritual realm. For without such indications on your part people enter the spiritual bridge to the beyond so little, and there are also still very few people for whom the scriptures as well as spiritual entertainment are real edification; the world still holds humanity too captive and the actual activity, the work on the soul, is a relative concept to them. Whether people's thoughts turn to worldly interests or allow themselves to be captivated by spiritual questions is entirely up to their free will; and countless spiritual beings, who are entrusted with people's care, endeavour to influence this will in the right way. A direct influence on the earth children is only rarely possible, therefore the co-operation of willing servants of the lord on earth is extremely joyfully welcomed. And in the same measure as the earth child helpfully supports the spiritual beings, so also the still erring relatives are cared for from the spiritual side; in all love the task is tried to be solved for them, and earth men are therefore never without protection. All help from earth is accepted and abundantly repaid to those close to the earthly child who are in need of spiritual care. And therefore no soul is helpless and abandoned to the darkness, but the spiritual friends wrest the erring and ignorant souls from the darkness to the best of their ability and bring them close to the light so that they also recognize their origin from God and their task in life caused by it. And the sun will rise where there is still night.... in the light of truth will stand all those who are in your care....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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