
0713 Light and truth....

December 16, 1938: Book 15

Blessed are you who place yourselves at the lord's disposal. For it is written that all the angels in heaven serve the lord and that the earth bows before Him.... and that light shines on those who recognize His majesty and are subject to Him in heaven and on earth. The world can certainly grant earthly goods, but it can never grant the light of truth to the children of the earth, for this is only possible for God, Who is truth Himself.... And the richest person on earth can be called poor if he does not harbour the truth, the knowledge of the creator and faith in His infinite love.... every earthly child, on the other hand, who possesses these goods, whose heart is full of love for the saviour and in whom there is a longing for ever deeper knowledge, is immeasurably rich. Everything earthly must appear worthless in the face of God's supreme gift.... of truth from God.... And whoever helps and offers his hand, whoever makes the truth accessible to humanity through his will, is a true disciple of the lord, a servant on earth and a spreader of the teaching of God according to the will of the lord. The hour of redemption is near for him, all earthly heaviness will fall from him, and where he believes to serve, he will reign.... For the truth will make its way, it will be recognized and desired, it will touch the human being's mind with unspeakable benevolence where truth is desired and striven for. Where a soul stands in the light of truth, it will abhor falsehood, it will rush through the whole world and always cling to the truth, for it will never let go of what it has taken possession of. If it seeks to take the truth from the soul once it has recognized it, it will give up the fight and fall into darkness. But to prevent this is the lord's concern.... He does not abandon His children and lets the light shine brightly so that the truth breaks through and the soul is given help. And so the lord's servants are busy at work. People do not yet grasp the miracle of divine love.... They still put up a quiet defence against it and yet are seized by the power of love.... Everything that is truth must again express itself in love.... what emanates from God, as love itself, must inevitably also lead to love again; it must develop into full activity what has its origin in love and therefore again entail love.... And thus the pure truth will also always be life-awakening and life-affirming, for he who has recognized correctly will only now see the true purpose in the right fulfilment of life and must therefore affirmatively attune himself to life. Which is to say that the human being with the realization.... with the right awareness of God, cannot look at life from the negative side, but surrenders joyfully and cheerfully to the divine power, always with the faithful trust that he will be guided wisely and rightly and thus also be equipped with divine power against all hostile activity. People are often unable to grasp how this power manifests itself, but faith in it allows them to receive it undiminished. For he who has love is in the truth.... and he who is in faith has the strength to recognize the truth and to live in love....


Translated by Doris Boekers