
0712 Warning against false judgement.... unkindness of the peoples....

December 15, 1938: Book 15

Behold, My children, in your weak spirit you do not yet have the appreciation for what is right and true and therefore only have to rely on My word alone, which will guide you correctly and protect you from all error if only you strive to fulfil My will. To be able to understand everything correctly requires far more, yet I will already show you the path which will lead you to the right realization. Yet if your inner voice warns you, follow it, the surest guarantee for truth is often hidden in your feelings, and if you only desire the truth you will not easily take the path of error. And thus you need not fear, for I will protect you so that you will not fall prey to lies and error. However, always pay attention to My word. Where you hear it you are on the right path.... yet do not fall into the error of wanting to extend your judgement to areas of knowledge which are distant to you and not yet explained. Everything will be offered to you at the right time and in such a form that you can absorb it and are convinced of its truth. However, try to avoid all criticism so that you do not reject something that could be of use to you one day. You must place unlimited trust in the lord of heaven and earth, only then will you also be worthy of receiving unlimitedly, and then the scales will fall from your eyes and you will learn to understand everything that previously seemed incomprehensible to you. But also keep your sense of justice.... that is suggested to you. By condemning, you can inflict great injustice on people, and a mild judgement will always be a blessing for you, whereas hatred and revenge will only result in evil. As the creator of heaven and earth, I can never agree with what is happening in the world.... I cannot approve when people are full of unkindness towards one another.... I cannot approve of the hatred and enmity of nations and even less can I give My approval if people's behaviour has such an effect that hardship, misery and sorrow are the consequences.... and the sooner people come to realize their wrong actions the sooner they can expect My help.... But I will never give My support to wrongful, deterrent actions.... and the less love people have for each other, the less love they can expect from Me, I can only reveal Myself where I find loving hearts, but where feelings of hatred and revenge have the upper hand, I keep Myself at bay. People often prove themselves best when they are in misery together and yet try to alleviate this misery for each other. I take abode there, but where people endeavour to inflict wounds instead of healing them, I cannot dwell there but am far away from people who do not live in love. And so only ever adhere to what you receive as a principle from above: to cultivate love towards every person.... Every person should be equal to you; you should not treat anyone with contempt and do the same kindness to everyone, then your father in heaven will repay you in kind, and His love for you will never cease for eternity....


Translated by Doris Boekers