
0709 Many are called.... power of prayer for receptivity....

December 12, 1938: Book 15

Behold, My child, the path to eternal life is still to be travelled under My guidance.... I have understanding for everything and endeavour in all love to dissuade you from the wrong path and to make you realize the futility of your worldly striving.... And I want to spare you all suffering on earth and in the beyond. If you now follow My word and draw all spiritual strength from it, if you allow the thoughts of eternity to enter you and serve each other with love, your path through life will not be difficult, yet without My word you will never find the right path, for you are already too estranged from the spiritual and your thinking has become materialistic.... I Myself am so distant from you because you have distanced yourselves from Me, and the more lonely you live your life the greater your distance from Me becomes, and I Myself cannot fetch you back because you have to be active of your own accord through free will, which is indispensable for gaining childship to God. And thus I see with sadness how little attention you pay to your soul's salvation.... how you don't give any thought to your wrong life. And again, it is only My great mercy and My infinite love for you that I inform you of My will.... And I call you all, you My children on earth.... You may all hear My word if only you desire it. But how do you want to receive if your will is not strong enough.... How shall I speak to you who do not come to meet Me in full faith and long for My presence.... How do you want to hear My voice in your heart if your heart is not inflamed with love for Me.... and yet I can only express Myself through love and in love. Many are indeed called, but only a few are chosen, and the latter must sacrifice their entire will to Me completely in order to then also endlessly receive more than they have given for Me. The power of prayer is underestimated by all of you.... it is so great that you will succeed in everything you ask for in prayer.... Thus you will also be honoured as a receptacle of My word of My wisdom if you strive for it sincerely and ask for the grace of such an honour from the father in heaven. All your spiritual endeavours will not be unsuccessful, for you will truly not make any wrong requests in this respect. I want to give this to the highest degree to the few people who love Me and desire My word, they shall draw all strength from it, lift themselves up in adversity and walk hopefully through earthly life towards a blissful life in the beyond. And every earthly difficulty will fall away from them if they are in possession of My word and endeavour to live according to this word. Therefore, whoever strives for it will also be honoured by Me with the word if only he pays attention to the inner voice.... For I dwell again among men on earth who are of good will and bring them refreshment and consolation, feasting and strengthening through My word, and if I send you this promise you need never fear the destruction of your body and soul.... Only the body can painlessly separate itself from the soul, but the latter can then enter the realms of bliss forever in the form of light....


Translated by Doris Boekers