
0702 Predictions.... signs.... earthly dispositions....

December 8, 1938: Book 15

Everything will be understandable to the world but not My working on this earth for the children of men whom I have chosen for a great task and whom I will help with advice and action so that they will be active according to My will. And yet it will also become obvious to the world and its followers that they are governed by a power which is incomprehensible to them, for they will often be hindered from carrying out their plans and this will make them suspicious if a certain resistance is recognizable which will always make itself felt in opposition to their decrees. The more attentively people observe this intervention of a higher power the clearer the connection will become to them, for wherever connections need to be undermined or, where a spiritual blossoming visibly comes to light, this needs to be prevented.... the human being's will will have to obey Me, and anyone who opposes My will will be completely powerless and realize his earthly weakness. Every offence against My will, no matter how small, will be avenged in a peculiar way.... Whoever wants to be master will be his own servant, and whoever wants to command will have to obey. And I Myself will order it this way in order to strengthen My own in their faith, for they will suffer great hardship due to the instructions of the world. And once again he who fights for Me and My word will be victorious, since I Myself will be with him. And what is about to happen will make many people think, but My power and My will will mitigate the suffering of the righteous and they shall not become a stumbling block for those who see Me as a loving father.... I know My children well and their fate shall truly be an easy one.... I give them the strength to endure what I allow to come upon them because of their sins, and My strength alleviates all suffering and pain. And I bless a thousand times over those who bear their suffering with submission for My sake, for I only send such things in order to consolidate My kingdom and make My power known to the whole world.... Anyone who takes offence at this will not recognize Me and will truly not attain knowledge of the eternal deity in this world, but the others will thank Me for all eternity that I have awakened them from night and sleep. When this will be revealed to the world, nature will likewise revive in a marvellous way.... I will let such obvious phenomena come into view on and above the earth that the thinking person will already recognize My working by it, and whoever pays attention to My signs, and this in reverence and love for Me, I will guide his mind so that he will always do what is right and remain protected from harm both physically and spiritually. For I know My own and My own know Me.... And as soon as an earthly child entrusts himself to Me in full faith, I will take care of his welfare in every way. For the power of the world is small and can offer you humans neither protection nor security.... Anyone who therefore intends to protect himself earthly is hopelessly exposed to My power and My will, for he only desires the safety of his body and does not think of his soul, but I want to save the soul from destruction and therefore have to put the body in fear and distress so that it will come to its senses and find Me as its creator.... And anyone who calls upon Me in adversity shall be assured of My love and mercy.... I will lovingly receive him and draw him to My father's heart, and there will be great joy in heaven over the prodigal son who returns to his father's house....


Translated by Doris Boekers